
Week 54: Hola Amigos!

August 21, 2017
So this week flew by, and thinking back on it I don´t remember a lot 
(pause as I take out my agenda.. planner, sorry)
We had a FHE in our apartment. It was fun! We sang, had a short spiritual thought, and played games. Then we chatted as we ate cheezy biscuits and lembas bread (I went on another cooking spree :S)
The other sisters in our ward had a pretty hard week, and so we did divisions to try to help them out Tuesday. It was fun! I was able to get to know the other half of our area, and get to know the other sister (Hna Vasques de Brasil). 
The next day (Wed) we got up early to go to a zone conference close to my last area, in San Vicente. It was amazing, and we enjoyed playing soccer afterwards. My team was undefeated!! :D

Finally getting to work in my area :)... we talked with Graciela more this week. We also continued helping a member who´s taking care of her grand daughter while her daughter is in the hospital. We´ve been stopping by one or two times a week to help her clean the house and talk. I like it, and she´s the only active member in our area, so she definitely has our attention :D. 
After lunch we had intercambios! 
I went back to Villa Madero and it was soooo weird! In a good way :)

The sisters there are working on finding old investigators, so we went through the area book and I showed them a few names that I knew that were good people. We saw a few members who complimented me on my improved spanish :S. It was amazing.
Hna Santos (the sister I was with) was great. She´s super funny and has a lot of energy!

Saturday I finally met one of our investigators, Eduardo. He´s a sweet elderly man. We ran to the rescue when Gisela sent us a message that she wasn´t doing well. We talked with her, my comp gave her a massage, and then we ran to the baptism that the elders had. 
It was such a spiritual experience, the baptism. Only three members came :(. The rest of them really missed out. During the last hymn, I know that my Redeemer Lives, I almost cried. An elderly woman, very humble and sweet, was baptized. She´s always smiling and has a special light about her. 

To finish the week with a spark, as we were working Sunday afternoon, we received a phone call--"Hermanas, can you return to your apartment, becuase the other sisters are locked in" :D.
Unfortunately we were in the far end of our area. We tried to take the bus, but it didn´t come. Then we went for the train, and and hour and a half after receiving the call we finally made it back :S. We found that they hadn´t been locked into the apartment, but locked on the balcony of the apartment :D. It was crazy, and a fun way to end the week.

Today we played frisbee in our district activity. Super fun! But the best part was on the way back when we found a couple from Luis Guillon!! The sister started crying, because they don´t have missionaries in the ward now, but they cheered up, and told us that they´re going to be sealed this weekend!! :D It was a blessing to be able to see them, and I´m praying that we´ll be able to send more missionaries to the ward, they´re such good people!

Well, that´s the week. It´s been a good one, and will be an even better one this week.

I love you all!! Have a great time! Know that God loves you, no matter what. 
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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