
Week 59: Una Semana de Bendiciones

September 18, 2017
Esta semana decidí que no hablo inglés más. Posso falar português, mas meu inglês è terrivel.

So.... this week ...
I had intercambios (exchanges), both times I went to Cañuelas :D. The first time with Hna Chappell! I love her! 
She showed me an icecream place that serves waffles with fruit, icecream, and dulce la leche .... mmm.... We had a great (if unhealthy) lunch :)
Funny thing- everytime I`ve gone to Cañuelas, we teach a recent convert named Isabel. They only visit her once a week, but it always happens to be the day that we do intercambios. Poor thing, she`s a little confused about why I keep showing up :D. 
We also had a zone conference which was amazing! I didn`t go home after the zone conference because we had another intercambio! o Cañuelas! :D
While waiting for the train, we realized that we wouldn`t have time to proselyte in the other sister`s area by the time we got there. So she suggested that we sing in the train and then pass for the seats and offer pass a long cards (we didn`t have any copies of the Book of Mormon). It was amazing. I was ready to finish, but we hadn`t done one car, so we did it, and the last people I talked to were two youth who started asking all sorts of questions, accepted the few pamphlets we had, and we wrote down their address. They were the only contacts we`d made that lived in the sister`s area! :O. Miracle!
I saw Sister Ortiz when she started her mission and now she`s training. She`s changed so much, and is such an amazing missionary.
The miracles didn`t end there. After the intercambio, we met a woman named Alicia who is amazing! She accepted us into her house, and is interested in reading the Book of Mormon in order to find more knowledge.
We were also able to visit a less active family who gave us brownies :D. 
The four of us (my comp and our "room"-"ward"-mates) were going to do a musical number this Sunday, so we practiced a little Saturday before contacting all of our investigators to invite them to church. The bishop forgot to announce the musical number, so we`ll do it next week but that`s fine :D. 
Last miracle of the week, Gisela attended church with us! She loved it. She participated in the classes the members were super friendly, and afterwards she said she felt at home and enjoyed the reverence and the learning that we had in the chapel. Yeah! 
It was an amazing week. 
It`s been a little crazy with four people in the apartment, and this week we`ll have the ETMs/viajeras/traveling missionaries with us, so we`ll be 6. :) It`ll be great. No drama at all ;)

I love you all! You`re amazing. Keep developing your testimonies and reaching out to EVERYONE you see! 
Love you! Have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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