
Week 62: Transfers!

October 9. 2017

So this week we had transfers. I stay in Adrogué with Hna Couto, but we were joined by Hna Manner, my comp-STL these last two transfers.
We`re super excited to be working in trio!

Not much happened this past week. We had a special conference with a Seventy who lives in Buenos Aires. He and his wife came to speak with us. It was amazing! 
The next day we had our last intercambios for the transfer, and we worked in Adroguè and managed to visit an investigator that we haven`t seen for a long time--Eduardo. He let us in again, and we had a good discussion about the Book of Mormon.

The other two days we walked a lot and talked a lot. It was great! It`s been fun seeing this area grow.  
Saturday night we had dinner with the bishop and his family and it was super fun! His son is less active, and his son`s girlfriend is investigating. We organized another musical number for next Sunday with the bishop`s daughter and another youth that`s leaving for his mission soon.

So yeah! Not a lot happening. Life is good. The mission is amazing. I love you all!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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