
Week 57: Hola todos!

September 4, 2017
Cómo están? Cómo fue su semana?
Ya fue inglés, ya no hablo :D
Pero bueno....

This week was insane.
Monday was normal, P-Day. We had an appointment, but she didn`t have time. We had our last district meeting for the transfer, and worked all afternoon.
The craziness started Wednesday, when Hna Mattos did some last minute shopping, and then we went to Banfield to stay the night, because the next day she went on tour with another sister who´s also ending. Sis. Barlow and I returned to Adrogué thursday and tried to contact people but NOBODY WAS HOME and NO ONE ANSWERED THEIR PHONE :S. It was like everyone died for a week :(.
Friday we worked in Banfield until Hna Mattos came back from the temple and her last interview. 
Saturday we went to the temple so that she could buy garments, but they didn`t have her size, so we went back home and she finished packing. I tried to call more people, but I think there was a holiday that I didn`t know about or all of the phone lines blew out because no one wanted to answer :(. 
But oh well! The craziness is over. 

Now I´m with Hna Mattos AND my new companion-- Hna Couto! She`s the sister that I helped train when I had all those intercambios in Claypole (in our mission she´s considered my niece :D)

It`s been a crazy week, but in the end it was good. I`m excited to get back to work. 

Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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