
Week 61: Welll....

October 2, 2017

This week was crazy.
Tuesday we had interviews, right after we started intercambios and I went to Cañuelas (the far corner of the mission) until Thursday, when I got back in the afternoon and had 2 hours to unpack, pack, shower, eat something, and go to Banfield to stay the night. Friday Hna Gove and I went to the temple and then that afternoon we had a self reliance class, so when we finally finished the intercambio it was study time.
Saturday and Sunday we had the Women´s session and the General sessions of General Conference and also did weekly planning because we hadn´t been together the rest of the week.

And that is why I didn´t work in my area this week :(.

But in Cañuelas we saw miracles! We were able to teach the family of an investigator that the sister´s already had and they are all willing to investigate and are very excited to learn more. 
We´d also found another woman who didn´t want to let us in at first because she has a 6 year old daughter with Down Syndrome. But I played with her daughter while Hna Lima taught the lesson. It was amazing, and we were able to establish a relationship of trust with her.
The next morning we taught another of the sisters´ investigators and invited them to be married. They were so excited when we talked about baptism, and the Spirit was very strong. 

In the temple I loved feeling the peace. Afterwards I had lunch with President and the 24 other missionaries who are leaving with me (we´re the largest group leaving that our mission president has seen). 
Then we had a three hour class introducing us to the principles of economy and the church´s program for self reliance. It was interesting, and basically the same plan that I had made, so it was nice to receive the confirmation.

Saturday we made a quick picnic lunch of pasta, watched the women´s session. I received a surprise message that I should bring the violin "to practice" with an elder notorious for organizing musical numbers during conferences.
Sure enough! After the first session, another sister (Hna Garner!) and elder arrived and they´d already planned a musical number and I´m going to play violin tomorrow when a Seventy comes to talk to our mission :S. It´s a good thing they let me in the loop late, less time to stress :).
That night we started beans and I made brownies with brigadeiro for the next day.

Sunday morning we planned, and in between the sessions we ate TACO SOUP! and the brownies. It was a great day.

I loved General Conference, there is always such a strong spirit and I come away feeling ready to begin again.

I hope your weeks also went well! I love you all and hope you have another wonderful week.

Sister Tova S Biesinger

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