
Week 63: Another Great Week!

October 16, 2017

So this week was great. Trios are fun :D.
Because we`re in a trio, we`re allowed to teach men even if there isn`t another woman with us, so this week we finally taught 4 contacts that we`ve been trying to teach for a long time! Two of them have a lot of potential, and we`re so excited that they now have the chance to hear about the gospel.

This week has also been an emotional rollercoaster, but that`s the norm in a missionary`s life :). 
I`ve been thinking a lot about how my testimony has grown and about the many people I`ve met here on my mission.

Today is literally my last day, I`m going home tonight, and while I`m excited, I`m also nervous. Excited to see my family, and nervous about pretty much everything else :D. But I`ll spare you the emotional downpour. The mission is hard, but it`s simple. It`s simply the work of God, and I`ve loved being a part of it.

Sunday we did one more musical number. I played violin once more and this time we had members singing with us and some of the elders, so we were quite the choir! We sang "I know that my Redeemer lives," and it was beautiful. 
Argentina is one of the only  countries that celebrates Mothers Day on a day that`s not in May, and the day was yesterday, so it was fun :D. My comp Hna Couto was able to talk to her family and I was able to share a spiritual thought with the Bishop`s family.

I love you all so much!! No matter what happens, always put the Savior first! It`s really the easiest and the best way. I know that He loves and that even when things are hard (especially when things are hard) He is always on our side. 

Thanks for everything, I`ve loved writing you all every week. Have a great day!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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