
Week 58: A Great Week!

September 11, 2017
This week I began working with Hna Couto, and it`s amazing! 
Tuesday morning we were in a trio while waiting for the new missionary to arrive. We dropped off Hna Ochoa to receive the newbie, and went to an appointment with Cecilia (less active).

It`s been amazing being with someone with so little time. She has so much energy and so many ideas. We`re doing a lot of practices and learning how we can teach together. 
It`s been a little hard for her because everything was cheaper in her last area and the people were friendlier, but she`s got a great attitude and we`re contacting a lot of great people.

Having four people in the apartment is still super fun! We feel like a mini family, with a baby, a mom, an aunt, and the funny sister (I`m the aunt, in case you were wondering :D).

Hna Ochoa did hair (peluquera, I´m not sure what it is in english) before the mission, so she did my hair for the leadership counsel Thursday. 
After the counsel, we taught Gisela. She`s a lot stronger than she was the first time I taught her. She has so much more faith and understanding. The greatest miracle is that now she`s open to baptism. She hasn`t said yes, but she´s going to pray!

We also talked with a sweet old man. He married a young woman 8 years ago and they had a daughter, and then the mother left him for job opportunities. So he`s a grandpa with a 6 year old daughter. He`s a little bitter about the situation, but when we finished our lesson he asked us to come back, saying that he needed more of these teaching in his life. 

It`s interesting, now that I think about it, how many people a missionary is thinking about everyday. "I need to call ---" "When can we visit---?" "What does it mean when they don`t respond?" "How can we find ---?" Sometimes your brain explodes :D. But I love it. It`s a great opportunity and training for life.

Sunday a sister in the ward passed away. I was making her a shawl, so when I heard that she`d passed it was a bit of a shock (crying for a few minutes in the bathroom). But she was the sweetest person and is happier in heaven. She came every Sunday and always said "I`m deaf and I`m blind, but I`m here." 

We`re going to do a musical number next Sunday. Hna Callister (the newbie) at the piano, Hna Couto the recorder, Hna Ochoa singing, and I`ll play violin! :D

Love you all have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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