
Week 52: Hola Todos-- Estoy muy Feliz!

August 7, 2017

I don`t know why, but that`s the way it is. 
This week felt super long, but we were able to get a lot of work done. 

I did my first intercambio as a leader and it went great! I was worried that I wouldn`t be able to help the sisters but I was able to make friends with them and find out what they needed. It was fun! A new challenge. 

This week I`ve been praying that our area can progress and that our investigators can progress towards baptism. My prayers were answered in interesting ways. 
One investigator told us that she received her answer that the BoM isn`t true, but that she`d pray again. When I asked if she`d be willing to be baptized if it was true, she said no. So now we know why she didn`t get her answer. 
Another investigator told us that she still wasn`t ready for baptism. That`s okay, she still needs to attend church, so that`s our next goal. 
But we were also able to find a lot of great people who want us to come back, so we`ll be finding lots of new people this week! :D

I also wanted a better relationship with the members of the ward and the other missionaries, and Sunday I was able to feel that, so that was super great! 

I feel like I`m on fire... in a good way and a bad way. I feel like I`m finally reaching my potential, and I`m a little afraid of burning out. But I guess that`s the goal. To lose myself in the work :D. 

So yeah, it`s been a great week, and I`m looking forward to another one. This week I`ll be going to my first area Villa Madero for intercambios. It`ll be the fist time returning to an old area, and I`m super excited!

Love you all!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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