
Week 47: A great week :D

June 26, 2017

Hola todos!!
So this week was great, we were able to do exchanges and I met my new part-time companions, one is from the states and the other is a new missionary from brazil. (she`s helping me learn portuguese, which is spanish with a few pronunciation changes :D)

We were able to find a young woman and her cousin this week. She has had the lessons before, but he hasn`t. It was great being able to invite them to read the book of Mormon and let that solve their doubts. 
We started teaching a member`s grandma at her request. She`s a super sweet older woman who is practically confined to her house. That same day we were able to teach a young woman (Yoana, pronounced Joana :)) who wants to be closer to God and fix her relationship with her father. We`re planning on helping her see how her relationship with her Heavenly Father will help her with the relationship with her earthly father. She`s really humble, and it was great teaching her.
Then, we found another less active :S. She and her family just started sleeping in Sundays and slipped into inactivity. We asked if they had a book of Mormon and the kids brought out the picture version. We asked which was their favorite story and they said "The one about Jesus" so we read from the book the story from 3 Nephi 11, when Jesus came to the Americas. It was so cool, because as we read the Spirit was so strong and the sister started crying. They didn`t come to church, but hopefully that touch of the Spirit helped them see what they were missing.

Speaking of church, funny story. A young man that no one recognized came (I didn`t teach him, did you teach him? May be the elders. No? Who invited him? :)). After sacrament meeting he gave us some slips of paper and asked us to put them in our prayer box. That`s when we realized that he thought we were the Universal Church that`s around the corner. But we just told him that we`d pray for him and he was invited to stay for the classes. He really liked them, and the elders are going to teach him now! God works in mysterious ways :D.
We had a great Gospel Principles class, the Spirit was very strong. 

It was an amazing week! I hope it was the same for all of you! And that this next week is the same :D Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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