
Week 49: Rain came :D

July 10, 2017

So.... my wishes weren`t granted I had a little less time in my area this week :(. But the time I had we worked and worked!!!
Our investigator (Magali) that stopped smoking but then paired up with her boyfriend again, told us that they`d gone to the city center to start the process of getting married!! :D Yeah! She still hasn`t come to church, but we`re going to start working more with the members so that she feels more comfortable.
We celebrated Independence Day by dressing in red, white, and blue, I made apple pie, and we sang patriotic songs in the district meeting.

Thursday I went to my second area--Claypole. The viajeras are still there, so we were still 5 :D. It was great! Both of the days I was there we were able to find new investigators, and the one that we`d found last week had read the book of mormon and the pamphlet and told the missionaries that he was looking for the true church!! It was amazing seeing the fruits in an area that wasn`t my own (but where I´ve put some effort, :D)

I got back to my area Saturday in time for the ward activity celebrating Independence Day (of Argentina :D). It was so much fun! There were non members and less actives and everyone was laughing and eating, and there was an amazing puppet show, they told the story of Argentina`s independence, and a sister led the primary in a couple of cultural dances. 
Afterwards we went to visit a less active family. "No, we won`t be able to come to church, we`re going to visit my new grand daughter" "Well, so that you don`t miss out on the blessings, you can stop by the church to attend the first hour and partake of the sacrament before going." "Oh, I never thought of that, that`s a good idea." :). They still didn`t come :(. Agency.....

Yesterday we had a situation. It was after church, it was raining, it was a national holiday, and it was the siesta. Any one of those elements kills the activity in Argentina. So, we hadn`t done our weekly planning yet (due to exchanges), and we decided that we`d do it that afternoon. Then we both felt bad, and decided to go work. We taught a sister that`s recently been returning to church. She told us her life`s story (wow, she`s had some crazy trials!) and bore her testimony. We sang a hymn with her and arranged to have lunch again this week.
Then, after not finding anyone we went for a contact that we`d half taught. She was home! She let us in (Julia) and we shared the Restoration with her. She does yoga (her job and religion) and doesn`t have a christian background. We heard her first prayer! It was super sweet. Then, as we were leaving, she started talking to us in english and asked if we could have the next lesson in english so that she could practice. :D. It was great and we felt so happy. As my comp said, we felt a lot better than we would have felt spending the time planning.

Today we had our district activity. We ate sweet pork, mexican rice, salsa, and orange bars. Super yummy! Then we played a few rounds of ping-pong around the world. Super fun!
I`ve been cooking a lot. I discovered in the mission that cooking helps me relieve stress. I cooked orange bars, mexican rice, apple sauce, monkey bread, and I`m going to make bread tonight. :). Yeah. A little overboard, but we share most of it with the elders and the apple sauce and bread are good for breakfasts. :D

Lots of fun! It`s been a great week. I hope that you`re also enjoying your week. Enjoy life! And the best way to do that is to live the gospel. Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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