
Week 44 pics and Week 46

Catch up...

June 5, 2017

Emergency getting off the train

June 19, 2017
Today I opened up my email, and there it was.... the dreaded email.... that comes to every missionary... 
the subject line-- no se ponga trunky... :O 
(it`s the email that asks for airport information) 
Luckily, I`m not trunky. I still have a lot of time and energy to use in the mission :D.

This week there weren`t any changes in our ward. (or in our zone, for that matter. It was really weird, everyone stayed the same. It`ll be a fun transfer :D)

Tuesday we had a food miracle. We didn`t have a member wh waas going to give us lunch, so we were going to have to take the time to cook. But as we were going to visit someone, a less active family greeted us and asked if we had lunch. No. So they invited us over. We had lunch with them, and were able to visit a lot more people with the time we had.
Wednesday I woke up with the flue and my comp with a stomach ache (food poisening) and we went out to work!! It was amazing becuase we were so weak we had to rely on the spirit and he helped with our leson with a less active and Magali, our investigator.
Magali has progressed  a lot this week. She told us she smoked Wednesday, so we went to teach her friday about the word of wisdom. Before we started, she told us that she`d already gone from 20 cigarettes each day to 10. And we hadn`t even challenged her to stop yet! Now she`s gone two days smoke free. and feels great. The down side is her boyfriend moved back in this week... after we`d talked about the law of chastity. :(. We`re working on it.

It`s been a great week. We were able to feel the spirit a lot and set goals to feel it even more. 
There weren`t a lot of people in church Sunday. :( This was sad, but we`ve had better attendance, and we`ll be working for that this week. 

Monday we found a new investigator whose sister was an investigator, but died of cancer. Now we`re hoping that Miriam accepts the gospel and is able to do the work for her sister who passed away. Woohoo!! Miracles!

Yesterday we talked to two sweet old men who like to read the Bible. We gave them copies of the Books of Mormon. Immediately, one of them opened up to the introduction and started reading and said "This is great. It should tell us a lot of information." :D They were thrilled when they found out they were free :).

Love you all have a great week!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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