
Week 51: Hola!! First week in area

July 31, 2017

This week was amazing, I got to know my area, my ward, (I already knew my companion.. :D), my responsibilities :S. It was great!

We started out the week doing service for an investigator (Gisela, 32, evangelica) we cleaned her house and the elders gave her a blessing. We then did lots of contacting for the rest of the day. 
We have another great investigator named Graciela. She has a dietetica (where they sell natural things and things for cooking). We had a great lesson and as we were leaving she asked me to speak in english. I didn`t know what to say so she asked me when my birthday was. February 1. "Entendì Febrero, cual dìa era?" "Primero" "No!! Es mi cumpleaños, tambièn!" She was born the same day! She`s super fun, an instant friend.

I had a leadership training Thursday, but we were able to visit Gisela again afterwards and she hadn`t read the Book of Mormon, so we gave her a chapter that captured her interest (3 Nephi 17) and the next day she`d started reading it, but still hadn`t prayed, so then we talked to her about the importance of praying! It`s interesting to see how she`s become more and more happy just in a week`s time. 

The investigator of the other sisters in our ward got married Friday and baptized Saturday. We made a brazilian dish to share in the wedding, and it was so sweet to see how happy they were. They`d waited 10 years for this marriage, because her ex-husband had abandonded them and moved to europe, and they couldn`t get the divorce. But now they`re super happy!

It was a great week. This week will be a little crazy, but that`s how life is, and it`s always interesting :D

Love you all have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Wedding Pictures:

Making Coxinhas:

Making PB and honey on Tova's homemade bread...a true treat!

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