
Found another post, if came before the last one that I posted :) Week ?? : Hi Friends!!

July 17, 2017

Hi, how are you all? How did your week go?
I`m great! One more week in the transfer, and I want to do a lot more in this ward, so I hope that I stay here again :D.
This week we changed things up and right after lunch after the district meeting we did intercambios (exchanges, sorry :S)

While in Claypole we had a great lesson with one of their families. We also talked with an investigator they recently found and he had some questions about the book of mormon and the restauration (what they`d taught the last time). We answered them and then taught about the Plan of Salvation. At one point he said "So our churches are pretty much the same." And my amazing companion said, "No, because we have a prophet so our church is true." :D. He then asked, "So if I don`t get baptized in your church I won`t get to this heaven (the Celestial Kingdom)". The answer-- "Nope. That`s why we´re here!" He said he`d pray about it. 
It was the most direct lesson I`ve ever been in/given, but it was great because this man doesn`t have any doubt about what we were teaching, he just needs to ask God if it`s true :D.

Thursday we had a training with the assistants after intercambios, so we barely made it back to A. Korn in time for the FHE that we needed to do. It was super fun, we played games and practiced applying them to gospel principles. Even the youth who comes with his member friends was able to find connections. :)

Friday we had interviews, it was great. :D Then we visited with Julia (the yoga teacher who said her first prayer). She`s been praying! She said it was weird at first because she felt like there was a little voice telling her that no one was listening (I thought "Go away, Satan!") but that she did it anyway, and that now it feels more natural. In the end of the visit, her mom walked in and said that she`d been hoping to find us there :D. We talked with her for a little bit, and tonight we`re going to have dinner with them!

Saturday we needed to go to a "White Storm" (when missionaries from different areas go to work in one area) and an open house in the chapel of Claypole. It was amazing, even though it was raining a lot of people came, and one man came in that some missionaries had just contacted in the train. He came through the first group, talked with the missionaries afterwards and agreed to be baptized in a couple of weeks, and then sat in the chapel listening to music until the end of the activity. It was amazing.

It`s been an amazing week. Today my comp taught me how to make Christmas Tree Bread (today we celebrated Christmas together. :D). It looks REALLY good. Another sister just sent me a bunch of alfajor recipes, so I`ll be able to make them for you all!

Love you! Have a great week! Keep a smile one your faces, and share the gospel (Using words when necessary :D)
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

Found another post from my mission emails .... Week : Una Nueva Area!

July 24, 2017

This week we had a great district meeting one of the elders finished his mission, and bore his testimony. Almost all the elders then bore their testimonies and almost everyone ended up crying. It was so cool. 
Afterwards we had a member go with us to visit Magali, and even though we couldn`t teach as well as we normally did alone, it was great because this Sunday, when Magali came to church for the first time (:D!!!) she and the member already knew each other and she could feel more comfortable.
That night we had dinner with a Sister in the ward and she made us Paella. It`s rice with octopus, mussells, and green beans. I ate it all and asked for seconds! I`m so proud of me :) (I thought food would be more difficult for me, but Heavenly Father loves me and made all the food super yummy :D)
We were able to visit a less active member Wednesday before doing a last intercambio so that Hna Walker could go do her end of the mission things. I was with Hna Ortiz from Columbia.
Thursday was the independence day of Columbia, so she sang me the national anthem of Columbia and I told her the story of our national anthem. We visited a bunch of less active members, and one of them came to church yesterday. 
*Side note: please visit the less actives. They really need support and love in order to return. It`s been kind of sad hearing so many stories of testimonies that were weakened because instead of being nourished by the good word, they had to fight alone and sometimes even feel like they were fighting against the other members. They then decide not to come anymore because they don`t want to continue feeling attacked. It`s really sad because they`re great people and many have testimonies, but because of a lack of love they decide not to come to church. Sorry, rant over, love you all. ❤
The elders made a fun FHE about the Plan of Salvation, and three investigators (young girls, 12, 11, and 10) came!
Friday I went with Hna Ortiz to her area to work for a little while. She taught me how to make Columbian Chicken and we rode bikes! My first time riding bikes in months!! We finished the intercambio and Hna Walker and I finished the day visiting Magali again and Julia. Julia taught us how to make neoquìs, and they turned out great. Her sister, Sol, was also there and we were able to talk with her a little bit and develope a friendship. 
Earlier in the week a sister (Irene) told us that she wanted to go with us to visit her friends instead of just giving us the referrals! So we went visiting with her Saturday morning, and she opened a lot of doors that wouldn`t have been open otherwise! It was amazing.
We visited Magali one more time and told her the news... I was leaving Alejandro Korn! :( She was super sad, but we were able to exchange info, and she´s still going to listen to the missionaries (she almost didn`t want to, which scared us a lot. But it was just a little drama, and she`s fine now :S).
Then packing! :D

Now I`m in Adroguè, an area where I`d been a lot because of intercambios. And my companion is.... HNA MATTOS!!! If you recognize the name it`s because she was my third companion :). And now we`re back together! I`m also Sister Training Leader now, so will continue having lots of intercambios, but now I have responsibility, so need to step it up. I`m so excited to be able to meet and help the other sisters! It`s going to be an amazing transfer.

Love you all!! Have a great week! 
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

District and sisters

 Sis. Maciel and Paella, marine food

 A look at A. Korn

 Pictures with members

An investigator and her family. She came to church this week!! :D

 We made Noquis with Julia!! 


Week 63: Another Great Week!

October 16, 2017

So this week was great. Trios are fun :D.
Because we`re in a trio, we`re allowed to teach men even if there isn`t another woman with us, so this week we finally taught 4 contacts that we`ve been trying to teach for a long time! Two of them have a lot of potential, and we`re so excited that they now have the chance to hear about the gospel.

This week has also been an emotional rollercoaster, but that`s the norm in a missionary`s life :). 
I`ve been thinking a lot about how my testimony has grown and about the many people I`ve met here on my mission.

Today is literally my last day, I`m going home tonight, and while I`m excited, I`m also nervous. Excited to see my family, and nervous about pretty much everything else :D. But I`ll spare you the emotional downpour. The mission is hard, but it`s simple. It`s simply the work of God, and I`ve loved being a part of it.

Sunday we did one more musical number. I played violin once more and this time we had members singing with us and some of the elders, so we were quite the choir! We sang "I know that my Redeemer lives," and it was beautiful. 
Argentina is one of the only  countries that celebrates Mothers Day on a day that`s not in May, and the day was yesterday, so it was fun :D. My comp Hna Couto was able to talk to her family and I was able to share a spiritual thought with the Bishop`s family.

I love you all so much!! No matter what happens, always put the Savior first! It`s really the easiest and the best way. I know that He loves and that even when things are hard (especially when things are hard) He is always on our side. 

Thanks for everything, I`ve loved writing you all every week. Have a great day!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

Week 62: Transfers!

October 9. 2017

So this week we had transfers. I stay in Adrogué with Hna Couto, but we were joined by Hna Manner, my comp-STL these last two transfers.
We`re super excited to be working in trio!

Not much happened this past week. We had a special conference with a Seventy who lives in Buenos Aires. He and his wife came to speak with us. It was amazing! 
The next day we had our last intercambios for the transfer, and we worked in Adroguè and managed to visit an investigator that we haven`t seen for a long time--Eduardo. He let us in again, and we had a good discussion about the Book of Mormon.

The other two days we walked a lot and talked a lot. It was great! It`s been fun seeing this area grow.  
Saturday night we had dinner with the bishop and his family and it was super fun! His son is less active, and his son`s girlfriend is investigating. We organized another musical number for next Sunday with the bishop`s daughter and another youth that`s leaving for his mission soon.

So yeah! Not a lot happening. Life is good. The mission is amazing. I love you all!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

Week 61: Welll....

October 2, 2017

This week was crazy.
Tuesday we had interviews, right after we started intercambios and I went to Cañuelas (the far corner of the mission) until Thursday, when I got back in the afternoon and had 2 hours to unpack, pack, shower, eat something, and go to Banfield to stay the night. Friday Hna Gove and I went to the temple and then that afternoon we had a self reliance class, so when we finally finished the intercambio it was study time.
Saturday and Sunday we had the Women´s session and the General sessions of General Conference and also did weekly planning because we hadn´t been together the rest of the week.

And that is why I didn´t work in my area this week :(.

But in Cañuelas we saw miracles! We were able to teach the family of an investigator that the sister´s already had and they are all willing to investigate and are very excited to learn more. 
We´d also found another woman who didn´t want to let us in at first because she has a 6 year old daughter with Down Syndrome. But I played with her daughter while Hna Lima taught the lesson. It was amazing, and we were able to establish a relationship of trust with her.
The next morning we taught another of the sisters´ investigators and invited them to be married. They were so excited when we talked about baptism, and the Spirit was very strong. 

In the temple I loved feeling the peace. Afterwards I had lunch with President and the 24 other missionaries who are leaving with me (we´re the largest group leaving that our mission president has seen). 
Then we had a three hour class introducing us to the principles of economy and the church´s program for self reliance. It was interesting, and basically the same plan that I had made, so it was nice to receive the confirmation.

Saturday we made a quick picnic lunch of pasta, watched the women´s session. I received a surprise message that I should bring the violin "to practice" with an elder notorious for organizing musical numbers during conferences.
Sure enough! After the first session, another sister (Hna Garner!) and elder arrived and they´d already planned a musical number and I´m going to play violin tomorrow when a Seventy comes to talk to our mission :S. It´s a good thing they let me in the loop late, less time to stress :).
That night we started beans and I made brownies with brigadeiro for the next day.

Sunday morning we planned, and in between the sessions we ate TACO SOUP! and the brownies. It was a great day.

I loved General Conference, there is always such a strong spirit and I come away feeling ready to begin again.

I hope your weeks also went well! I love you all and hope you have another wonderful week.

Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 60: This Week

September 25, 2017

This week was a good week. 

Lets start from the beginning. We worked a little bit Monday, then Tuesday we had intercambios. I went to Ezeiza and it was so much fun! We were able to teach and feel the Spirit, and were able to find new investigators. 
I love my companion!! In the transfer before this one, I needed to motivate my companion to work after a tiring intercambio, but Hna Couto doesn´t need motivation. We both look at each other, tired but happy, and kneel down to pray before leaving. It´s amazing!
We had other intercambios Friday, and due to complications I stayed the night in Ezeiza one day to travel to Monte Grande the next morning, I stayed the night there, and then returned to my area :D. But it was a big adventure, and I got to know Hna Manner better. And I was able to be with my compi Hna Rascón again! 

We´ve seen a lot of fruits this week. Saturday we taught Cristina, lutheran, who took us to a cafe to have our lesson. We drank juice and taught about the restoration. Then we were able to teach Gisela and help her clean her house. 
She came to church again! We did our musical number, which was pretty :D. We almost had another investigator come, but she felt sick so backed out.

Today we went to buy food for the week, and the supermarket was closed, so I joked "IT´s supermarket day so it won´t be open." When we actually ask someone they told us that yes, it´s day of the comercial employee. :D. 

Love you all! Have a great day! I´m going to make empanadas :D.
Sister Tova S Biesinger


Week 59: Una Semana de Bendiciones

September 18, 2017
Esta semana decidí que no hablo inglés más. Posso falar português, mas meu inglês è terrivel.

So.... this week ...
I had intercambios (exchanges), both times I went to Cañuelas :D. The first time with Hna Chappell! I love her! 
She showed me an icecream place that serves waffles with fruit, icecream, and dulce la leche .... mmm.... We had a great (if unhealthy) lunch :)
Funny thing- everytime I`ve gone to Cañuelas, we teach a recent convert named Isabel. They only visit her once a week, but it always happens to be the day that we do intercambios. Poor thing, she`s a little confused about why I keep showing up :D. 
We also had a zone conference which was amazing! I didn`t go home after the zone conference because we had another intercambio! o Cañuelas! :D
While waiting for the train, we realized that we wouldn`t have time to proselyte in the other sister`s area by the time we got there. So she suggested that we sing in the train and then pass for the seats and offer pass a long cards (we didn`t have any copies of the Book of Mormon). It was amazing. I was ready to finish, but we hadn`t done one car, so we did it, and the last people I talked to were two youth who started asking all sorts of questions, accepted the few pamphlets we had, and we wrote down their address. They were the only contacts we`d made that lived in the sister`s area! :O. Miracle!
I saw Sister Ortiz when she started her mission and now she`s training. She`s changed so much, and is such an amazing missionary.
The miracles didn`t end there. After the intercambio, we met a woman named Alicia who is amazing! She accepted us into her house, and is interested in reading the Book of Mormon in order to find more knowledge.
We were also able to visit a less active family who gave us brownies :D. 
The four of us (my comp and our "room"-"ward"-mates) were going to do a musical number this Sunday, so we practiced a little Saturday before contacting all of our investigators to invite them to church. The bishop forgot to announce the musical number, so we`ll do it next week but that`s fine :D. 
Last miracle of the week, Gisela attended church with us! She loved it. She participated in the classes the members were super friendly, and afterwards she said she felt at home and enjoyed the reverence and the learning that we had in the chapel. Yeah! 
It was an amazing week. 
It`s been a little crazy with four people in the apartment, and this week we`ll have the ETMs/viajeras/traveling missionaries with us, so we`ll be 6. :) It`ll be great. No drama at all ;)

I love you all! You`re amazing. Keep developing your testimonies and reaching out to EVERYONE you see! 
Love you! Have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 58: A Great Week!

September 11, 2017
This week I began working with Hna Couto, and it`s amazing! 
Tuesday morning we were in a trio while waiting for the new missionary to arrive. We dropped off Hna Ochoa to receive the newbie, and went to an appointment with Cecilia (less active).

It`s been amazing being with someone with so little time. She has so much energy and so many ideas. We`re doing a lot of practices and learning how we can teach together. 
It`s been a little hard for her because everything was cheaper in her last area and the people were friendlier, but she`s got a great attitude and we`re contacting a lot of great people.

Having four people in the apartment is still super fun! We feel like a mini family, with a baby, a mom, an aunt, and the funny sister (I`m the aunt, in case you were wondering :D).

Hna Ochoa did hair (peluquera, I´m not sure what it is in english) before the mission, so she did my hair for the leadership counsel Thursday. 
After the counsel, we taught Gisela. She`s a lot stronger than she was the first time I taught her. She has so much more faith and understanding. The greatest miracle is that now she`s open to baptism. She hasn`t said yes, but she´s going to pray!

We also talked with a sweet old man. He married a young woman 8 years ago and they had a daughter, and then the mother left him for job opportunities. So he`s a grandpa with a 6 year old daughter. He`s a little bitter about the situation, but when we finished our lesson he asked us to come back, saying that he needed more of these teaching in his life. 

It`s interesting, now that I think about it, how many people a missionary is thinking about everyday. "I need to call ---" "When can we visit---?" "What does it mean when they don`t respond?" "How can we find ---?" Sometimes your brain explodes :D. But I love it. It`s a great opportunity and training for life.

Sunday a sister in the ward passed away. I was making her a shawl, so when I heard that she`d passed it was a bit of a shock (crying for a few minutes in the bathroom). But she was the sweetest person and is happier in heaven. She came every Sunday and always said "I`m deaf and I`m blind, but I`m here." 

We`re going to do a musical number next Sunday. Hna Callister (the newbie) at the piano, Hna Couto the recorder, Hna Ochoa singing, and I`ll play violin! :D

Love you all have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 57: Hola todos!

September 4, 2017
Cómo están? Cómo fue su semana?
Ya fue inglés, ya no hablo :D
Pero bueno....

This week was insane.
Monday was normal, P-Day. We had an appointment, but she didn`t have time. We had our last district meeting for the transfer, and worked all afternoon.
The craziness started Wednesday, when Hna Mattos did some last minute shopping, and then we went to Banfield to stay the night, because the next day she went on tour with another sister who´s also ending. Sis. Barlow and I returned to Adrogué thursday and tried to contact people but NOBODY WAS HOME and NO ONE ANSWERED THEIR PHONE :S. It was like everyone died for a week :(.
Friday we worked in Banfield until Hna Mattos came back from the temple and her last interview. 
Saturday we went to the temple so that she could buy garments, but they didn`t have her size, so we went back home and she finished packing. I tried to call more people, but I think there was a holiday that I didn`t know about or all of the phone lines blew out because no one wanted to answer :(. 
But oh well! The craziness is over. 

Now I´m with Hna Mattos AND my new companion-- Hna Couto! She`s the sister that I helped train when I had all those intercambios in Claypole (in our mission she´s considered my niece :D)

It`s been a crazy week, but in the end it was good. I`m excited to get back to work. 

Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 56: Hola Familia y Amigos!

August 28, 2017
So.... I don`t know why but this week felt like a bunch of weeks put together, but at the same time it went by really fast. Oh well, time in the mission :D. Doesn`t make sense.

We had our last intercambios of the transfer this past week. I went to Cañuelas (the end of the world) again, and enjoyed time with Hna. Lima from Brazil. She really likes homemade bread so I made a speed batch :D. 
I had an afternoon with my companion, and the next morning we did the last intercambio. I met Hna Lopez from Argentina :D. She`s super fun, and we spent a lot of time walking around, trying to find people, getting to know each other, and enjoying the fact that it wasn`t raining.
The next day the rain came. And it came strong :D. Thunder, lightening, wind. As missionaries we still work in such weather. But thankfully we needed to do weekly planning, and thus avoided the worst of the storm :D. 
Saturday we started a fast to help our area and that afternoon we found two new investigators! Gisela`s friend Pilar and a family-- Alejandra y Pedro. We felt the Spirit strongly with Alejandra, and she is so prepared. 
Sunday was an area conference, broadcasted from SLC with Elder Rasband. It was amazing, like a prolouge to General Conference! 

I`ve really enjoyed meeting all the sister missionaries, especially the new ones. They have so much energy and inspire me to do my best. 
Well, there wasn`t much to report this week :D. 
I love you all and hope you have a great time! We`ve got clouds and rain here, which is perfect for me :). "I`m singing in the rain." "There is sunshine in my soul today!"
Love you!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 55: Hidden Treasure

After so much time, I finally found a suitable title for the email :D. 
Yesterday during Gospel Principles, I flipped to Articles of Faith and then turned to the page before... and I found something that I didn`t know existed. 
The Testimony of Oliver Cowdrey about the Restoration! It`s incredible and powerful. I read it three times today to absorb it all. I don`t know why no one`s told be about it before. It`s so beatiful and shows the light that the Restoration really was after the years of apostasy. 
So yeah, that was the hidden treasure :)

I feel like this week our area exploded. Suddenly we have so many people to visit!! We found three families that are less active and not all the family is member, so we`ll be teaching them the gospel. We also found a new family that was a grand blessing! After weeks of the same work we`re finally progressing!

One of the members we found is Cecilia. She has four kids, and they`re all sooooo sweet!
We`ve also continued visiting with Graciela. She gave us honey candies :D. But we need her to come to church!! :S. Gisela doesn`t really have much interest anymore, so we`ll probably stop visiting her after this week :(. It`s so sad, because she`s just a little confused and blinded by some creencias falsas. But we`ll see how it goes. 

I had two intercambios. One with Hna Lohman, from California and the other with Hna Rascon, from Mexico, my old companion!! :D It was great, and I learned so much from them. 
I also had the best correlation of my mission!! Normally in correlation the Ward Mission Leader gives us advice instead of helping us connect with the ward (and it`s fine, we get other stuff done). But in this correlation our leader made plans to visit recent converts with the bishop, helped us plan our activity, and we could enjoy a friendship with him at the same time. He let me know of another less active that we could visit, and was just amazing! 

Our new investigator family is the Family of Luis. He used to be ubanda (a really bad religion) and do drugs, but the Iglesia Evangelica helped him get out of those. Now he`s looking for something more, because he isn`t completely in agreement with some of the practices in his church. It was amazing, and a miracle that we found him! 

Now we have a lot more people to visit, and a lot more work to do. I love it! I feel like this week we saw the fruits of our efforts for the past month. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Week 54: Hola Amigos!

August 21, 2017
So this week flew by, and thinking back on it I don´t remember a lot 
(pause as I take out my agenda.. planner, sorry)
We had a FHE in our apartment. It was fun! We sang, had a short spiritual thought, and played games. Then we chatted as we ate cheezy biscuits and lembas bread (I went on another cooking spree :S)
The other sisters in our ward had a pretty hard week, and so we did divisions to try to help them out Tuesday. It was fun! I was able to get to know the other half of our area, and get to know the other sister (Hna Vasques de Brasil). 
The next day (Wed) we got up early to go to a zone conference close to my last area, in San Vicente. It was amazing, and we enjoyed playing soccer afterwards. My team was undefeated!! :D

Finally getting to work in my area :)... we talked with Graciela more this week. We also continued helping a member who´s taking care of her grand daughter while her daughter is in the hospital. We´ve been stopping by one or two times a week to help her clean the house and talk. I like it, and she´s the only active member in our area, so she definitely has our attention :D. 
After lunch we had intercambios! 
I went back to Villa Madero and it was soooo weird! In a good way :)

The sisters there are working on finding old investigators, so we went through the area book and I showed them a few names that I knew that were good people. We saw a few members who complimented me on my improved spanish :S. It was amazing.
Hna Santos (the sister I was with) was great. She´s super funny and has a lot of energy!

Saturday I finally met one of our investigators, Eduardo. He´s a sweet elderly man. We ran to the rescue when Gisela sent us a message that she wasn´t doing well. We talked with her, my comp gave her a massage, and then we ran to the baptism that the elders had. 
It was such a spiritual experience, the baptism. Only three members came :(. The rest of them really missed out. During the last hymn, I know that my Redeemer Lives, I almost cried. An elderly woman, very humble and sweet, was baptized. She´s always smiling and has a special light about her. 

To finish the week with a spark, as we were working Sunday afternoon, we received a phone call--"Hermanas, can you return to your apartment, becuase the other sisters are locked in" :D.
Unfortunately we were in the far end of our area. We tried to take the bus, but it didn´t come. Then we went for the train, and and hour and a half after receiving the call we finally made it back :S. We found that they hadn´t been locked into the apartment, but locked on the balcony of the apartment :D. It was crazy, and a fun way to end the week.

Today we played frisbee in our district activity. Super fun! But the best part was on the way back when we found a couple from Luis Guillon!! The sister started crying, because they don´t have missionaries in the ward now, but they cheered up, and told us that they´re going to be sealed this weekend!! :D It was a blessing to be able to see them, and I´m praying that we´ll be able to send more missionaries to the ward, they´re such good people!

Well, that´s the week. It´s been a good one, and will be an even better one this week.

I love you all!! Have a great time! Know that God loves you, no matter what. 
Sister Tova S Biesinger


Week 52: Hola Todos-- Estoy muy Feliz!

August 7, 2017

I don`t know why, but that`s the way it is. 
This week felt super long, but we were able to get a lot of work done. 

I did my first intercambio as a leader and it went great! I was worried that I wouldn`t be able to help the sisters but I was able to make friends with them and find out what they needed. It was fun! A new challenge. 

This week I`ve been praying that our area can progress and that our investigators can progress towards baptism. My prayers were answered in interesting ways. 
One investigator told us that she received her answer that the BoM isn`t true, but that she`d pray again. When I asked if she`d be willing to be baptized if it was true, she said no. So now we know why she didn`t get her answer. 
Another investigator told us that she still wasn`t ready for baptism. That`s okay, she still needs to attend church, so that`s our next goal. 
But we were also able to find a lot of great people who want us to come back, so we`ll be finding lots of new people this week! :D

I also wanted a better relationship with the members of the ward and the other missionaries, and Sunday I was able to feel that, so that was super great! 

I feel like I`m on fire... in a good way and a bad way. I feel like I`m finally reaching my potential, and I`m a little afraid of burning out. But I guess that`s the goal. To lose myself in the work :D. 

So yeah, it`s been a great week, and I`m looking forward to another one. This week I`ll be going to my first area Villa Madero for intercambios. It`ll be the fist time returning to an old area, and I`m super excited!

Love you all!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

Week 51: Hola!! First week in area

July 31, 2017

This week was amazing, I got to know my area, my ward, (I already knew my companion.. :D), my responsibilities :S. It was great!

We started out the week doing service for an investigator (Gisela, 32, evangelica) we cleaned her house and the elders gave her a blessing. We then did lots of contacting for the rest of the day. 
We have another great investigator named Graciela. She has a dietetica (where they sell natural things and things for cooking). We had a great lesson and as we were leaving she asked me to speak in english. I didn`t know what to say so she asked me when my birthday was. February 1. "Entendì Febrero, cual dìa era?" "Primero" "No!! Es mi cumpleaños, tambièn!" She was born the same day! She`s super fun, an instant friend.

I had a leadership training Thursday, but we were able to visit Gisela again afterwards and she hadn`t read the Book of Mormon, so we gave her a chapter that captured her interest (3 Nephi 17) and the next day she`d started reading it, but still hadn`t prayed, so then we talked to her about the importance of praying! It`s interesting to see how she`s become more and more happy just in a week`s time. 

The investigator of the other sisters in our ward got married Friday and baptized Saturday. We made a brazilian dish to share in the wedding, and it was so sweet to see how happy they were. They`d waited 10 years for this marriage, because her ex-husband had abandonded them and moved to europe, and they couldn`t get the divorce. But now they`re super happy!

It was a great week. This week will be a little crazy, but that`s how life is, and it`s always interesting :D

Love you all have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

Wedding Pictures:

Making Coxinhas:

Making PB and honey on Tova's homemade bread...a true treat!

Week 49: Rain came :D

July 10, 2017

So.... my wishes weren`t granted I had a little less time in my area this week :(. But the time I had we worked and worked!!!
Our investigator (Magali) that stopped smoking but then paired up with her boyfriend again, told us that they`d gone to the city center to start the process of getting married!! :D Yeah! She still hasn`t come to church, but we`re going to start working more with the members so that she feels more comfortable.
We celebrated Independence Day by dressing in red, white, and blue, I made apple pie, and we sang patriotic songs in the district meeting.

Thursday I went to my second area--Claypole. The viajeras are still there, so we were still 5 :D. It was great! Both of the days I was there we were able to find new investigators, and the one that we`d found last week had read the book of mormon and the pamphlet and told the missionaries that he was looking for the true church!! It was amazing seeing the fruits in an area that wasn`t my own (but where I´ve put some effort, :D)

I got back to my area Saturday in time for the ward activity celebrating Independence Day (of Argentina :D). It was so much fun! There were non members and less actives and everyone was laughing and eating, and there was an amazing puppet show, they told the story of Argentina`s independence, and a sister led the primary in a couple of cultural dances. 
Afterwards we went to visit a less active family. "No, we won`t be able to come to church, we`re going to visit my new grand daughter" "Well, so that you don`t miss out on the blessings, you can stop by the church to attend the first hour and partake of the sacrament before going." "Oh, I never thought of that, that`s a good idea." :). They still didn`t come :(. Agency.....

Yesterday we had a situation. It was after church, it was raining, it was a national holiday, and it was the siesta. Any one of those elements kills the activity in Argentina. So, we hadn`t done our weekly planning yet (due to exchanges), and we decided that we`d do it that afternoon. Then we both felt bad, and decided to go work. We taught a sister that`s recently been returning to church. She told us her life`s story (wow, she`s had some crazy trials!) and bore her testimony. We sang a hymn with her and arranged to have lunch again this week.
Then, after not finding anyone we went for a contact that we`d half taught. She was home! She let us in (Julia) and we shared the Restoration with her. She does yoga (her job and religion) and doesn`t have a christian background. We heard her first prayer! It was super sweet. Then, as we were leaving, she started talking to us in english and asked if we could have the next lesson in english so that she could practice. :D. It was great and we felt so happy. As my comp said, we felt a lot better than we would have felt spending the time planning.

Today we had our district activity. We ate sweet pork, mexican rice, salsa, and orange bars. Super yummy! Then we played a few rounds of ping-pong around the world. Super fun!
I`ve been cooking a lot. I discovered in the mission that cooking helps me relieve stress. I cooked orange bars, mexican rice, apple sauce, monkey bread, and I`m going to make bread tonight. :). Yeah. A little overboard, but we share most of it with the elders and the apple sauce and bread are good for breakfasts. :D

Lots of fun! It`s been a great week. I hope that you`re also enjoying your week. Enjoy life! And the best way to do that is to live the gospel. Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission