
A BEAUTIFUL post by my mom


I absolutely loved this post when I read it. It reminded me somewhat of a talk in Church today that a missionary gave. He said that we often think of the Atonement just being there when we need to repent (which it is). But it is also there whenever we're in pain, or going through something bad. It's there for every negative cricumstance we may encounter, and it will help us get through it.


During Easter, I like to have lots of reminders of what Christ has done for us. 
So here are a bunch of videos and talks about Him, His Atonement, and His Life

 Here is the one the Church brought out specifically for this easter:  

Suffering in the Garden
 Suffering on the Cross

He is Risen!
He appears to Mary Magdelene

He Lives!

His Sacred Name (from last Easter)

D&C 76: 22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the atestimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he blives!
 23 For we asaw him, even on the bright hand of cGod; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the dOnly Begotten of the Father—
 24 That by ahim, and through him, and of him, the bworlds are and were created, and the cinhabitants thereof are begotten dsons and daughters unto God.

He is Risen; John the Beloved's Witness of the Resurrection

The Messiah; the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Easter Performance
This Glorious Easter Morn (Gordon B. Hinkley)

There are many more, of course. If you go to this page, each Conference there has been something about Him and His Sacrifice. After all, this is His Church :).

Priesthood and Womanhood

 (this post deals with the priesthood; for basic info on the priesthood, visit this site https://www.lds.org/topics/priesthood?lang=eng)

 Recently, around the Conference Center, there was a protest against the Church policy that women can't hold the priesthood.

Today, as part of my Young Women's church class, we discussed this. Why don't women hold the priesthood?
A couple of them brought up that women are more spiritual, or more intellectual than men, and that men need the priesthood to catch up.
I DISAGREE WITH THIS!!!!! I dislike generalities with a passion. I know plenty of girls who aren't spiritual, and boys who are very spiritual (and vice versa, of course :)). I know smart boys and girls, and not-so-smart boys and girls. 
But if the priesthood isn't for boys to catch up, why do they have it?

When I researched this on lds.org, it brought up this exerpt from "The Basic LDS Manual for Women:
“Priesthood is to be used for the benefit of the entire human family, for the upbuilding of men, women, and children alike. There is indeed no privileged class or sex within the true Church of Christ. … Men have their work to do and their powers to exercise for the benefit of all the members of the Church. …
“So with woman: Her special gifts are to be exercised for the benefit and uplift of the race” (quoted by John A. Widtsoe, comp., in Priesthood and Church Government, rev. ed. [1954], 92–93).
Men and women have different but equally important responsibilities in the home and the Church. Priesthood power can help each person perform those responsibilities for the benefit of all 

In order to fulfill these sacred obligations, they have different divine capabilities; the men bear the priesthood, and the women bear children. 
You may think "What? That's not fair. Women have to go through pain to bear children. What do men have to do?
Men have a big responsibity--they need to remain worthy of the priesthood.

Here are a couple of talks some of the leaders of the Church gave about worthiness in the priesthood:

If you want to read more about this, there was a page put up on a Church website: http://www.mormon.org/faq/women-in-the-church

I know that the priesthood is the power to act in God's name. I know that it is a man's responsibility to remain worthy of that calling, and a woman's responsibility to support him in that calling, and to pursue her own mission.


General Conference!

Sorry. I'm bad at keeping up with my blogs :S.
But at least I'm here now, right?

I just finished listening to the first session of General Conference. I'd been advised by leaders to write down questions that I had, but I couldn't think of any questions. Finally, as this session was starting, a big question that I've been pondering came to mind, and I wrote it down. I havn't recieved any direct answers to it, but I've been feeling more at peace about it.

If anyone wants to listen/watch the remaining sessions, they're on the radio at FM 102.5, or somewhere around there :S. (my radio doesn't show exactly where I'm at) Or you can watch it from the church website
Watch https://www.lds.org/general-conference/watch?lang=eng&cid=HPTU040114644
Listen http://www.mormonchannel.org/radio