

Oh my goodness. Talk about divine help. I just finished a long, exhausting day. Got onto my email, and what did I find? A list of more things to do :S.

Also in my email, I found this quote:
"My dear brothers and sisters, there will be days and nights when you feel overwhelmed, when your hearts are heavy and your heads hang down. Then, please remember, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, is the Head of this Church. It is His gospel. He wants you to succeed. He gave His life for just this purpose. He is the Son of the living God. And He will help you.” —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The very presence of the quote in my inbox was a manifestation of His awareness of me.
I'm so grateful for the Holy Spirit and inspired leaders who are able to send us comfort and guidance.


Principles of Prayer

As I was scrolling through the Church's Google Plus page, I saw a bunch of posts about Prayer. I thought I'd join in, and share my own thoughts.

 One of the most spiritual experiences of my life happened during a prayer.
I was thirteen-- super insecure and still learning about how special I was. There was this girl I knew who was almost exactly the same age as I was but seemed to have everything. She was beautiful, liked, had a gorgeous singing voice, and seemed to have great spiritual strength. I thought to myself. "How can I ever be important to anyone when they have her?" I was constantly comparing myself to her.

One night, I broke down into tears. Laying in bed, I folded my arms and asked Heavenly Father if I was loved, if I was important to Him.             I didn't hear a voice. I didn't see an angel. What happened was my entire being was filled with light and love. It felt like I was recieving a huge hug from my Heavenly Father. Even now, five years later, just remembering that night and that prayer brings back that feeling. 
I know that Heavenly Father communicates with us through prayer. We are able to feel connected to Him on a very personal level. 
It is through prayer that I was able to discover my self-worth and feel of the love Heavenly Father has for me. I know He has it for you, too. 
He is only a prayer away.