
Week 60: This Week

September 25, 2017

This week was a good week. 

Lets start from the beginning. We worked a little bit Monday, then Tuesday we had intercambios. I went to Ezeiza and it was so much fun! We were able to teach and feel the Spirit, and were able to find new investigators. 
I love my companion!! In the transfer before this one, I needed to motivate my companion to work after a tiring intercambio, but Hna Couto doesn´t need motivation. We both look at each other, tired but happy, and kneel down to pray before leaving. It´s amazing!
We had other intercambios Friday, and due to complications I stayed the night in Ezeiza one day to travel to Monte Grande the next morning, I stayed the night there, and then returned to my area :D. But it was a big adventure, and I got to know Hna Manner better. And I was able to be with my compi Hna Rascón again! 

We´ve seen a lot of fruits this week. Saturday we taught Cristina, lutheran, who took us to a cafe to have our lesson. We drank juice and taught about the restoration. Then we were able to teach Gisela and help her clean her house. 
She came to church again! We did our musical number, which was pretty :D. We almost had another investigator come, but she felt sick so backed out.

Today we went to buy food for the week, and the supermarket was closed, so I joked "IT´s supermarket day so it won´t be open." When we actually ask someone they told us that yes, it´s day of the comercial employee. :D. 

Love you all! Have a great day! I´m going to make empanadas :D.
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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