
Your Eyes

I've been learning a lot recently about the eyes and what messages I'm sending people with my eye contact.

There's a phrase that says "The eye is the window to the soul." I thought that that was pretty cheesy and overrated, until one exercise.

We were paired together with the person we were sitting by. I was sitting by my friend's friend, a beautiful woman and mother.
Our challenge was to sit across from each other and one of us would gaze into the other's eyes. After thirty seconds, we would start to say everything (positive) that came to our minds about that person. It was an unforgettable, exhilarating experience. I felt like I caught a glimpse of the mother's pre-mortal experience with her Heavenly Mother. I saw a growing green in my mind, like healing and nurturing. As I was sharing these things with her, there was an amazing connection between us.

I was struck again with the knowledge that everyone is a child of God, and they all have a divine potential and mission. I know that if I looked into your eyes-- whether I know you or not-- I would see an amazing destiny and power. It's something that God has given to all of us.


  1. What does it mean when you are always glaring at me?
