
Be Still...

Whenever I start to get stressed about something, or worldly things begin to crowd their way into my mind, this is my go to hymn. Which is funny, because I've never identified it as my favorite or even a notable hymn. My mind just went to it. Presenting, "Be Still My Soul"...

In the Church's adult magazine (the Ensign) President D. Todd Christofferson-- one of our leaders--shared this quote: 
The Holy Night, by Carl Heinrich Bloch 
"With all of that to come, though, I think it’s appropriate this time of year to just think about that baby in the manger. Don’t be too overwhelmed or occupied with what is to come; just think about that little baby. Take a quiet, peaceful moment to ponder the beginning of His life—the culmination of heavenly prophecy but the earthly beginning for Him.
Take time to relax, be at peace, and see this little child in your mind. Do not be too concerned or overwhelmed with what is coming in His life or in yours. Instead, take a peaceful moment to contemplate perhaps the most serene moment in the history of the world—when all of heaven rejoiced with the message “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”. "
I've been feeling fairly trapped at this period of my life. Trapped between school and mission and school; not really able to move forward with anything permanent.
While I was pondering the baby-- and just thinking of His birth-- the scripture "Be still and know that I am God" came to mind. Then came the impression that that where I'm at in life right now is a place where I just need to be still. Work at my job, be with my family, improve my mind and talents, and build up my spiritual foundation.
Knowing this has made this time a lot more peaceful.

I hope that you know that wherever you are in your life right now, this very moment, you can take time to be still. You are where God needs you.


How do I find REAL Peace?

I've been pondering the question this morning, and haven't found an answer yet.

You know that feeling when everything around you is loud and crazy and energetic? And you just want to escape? It may not be a stressful energy, but there's more than you can handle?
The way I've coped with that in the past is to close my eyes and imagine a bubble of quiet surrounding me and blocking out the noise. But that bubble doesn't bring me peace. It just disconnects me from everything and everyone around me.

If you have any thoughts or scriptures that you think could help me, please post them below. I could really use this help.


What CAN we Give?

What can we give to someone who has everything? He literally created the world and everything in it.

Incense and spices and gold we've a-plenty- Are these the gifts for the king of us all?
Palms at his feet and hosannas uprising; Are these for him who will carry the tree?
Tears for his mercy we'll weep at the manger, Bathing the infant come down from above.
Gifts we can give: gratitude, forgiveness of others, obedience, love, reverence.



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Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel has come to thee, all people.

O come, o come, Emmanuel! Come ransom captive Israel. We mourn in lonely exile here until the Son of God appears.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, oh Israel.

Chains shall he break for the slave is our brother. And in His name all oppression shall cease.

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we.
Let all within us praise His holy name!

Fall on your knees. Oh Hear the angels voices. Hark the herald angels sing:



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Why We Have Christmas

A couple weeks ago, we adopted two little kittens: Tsunami and Noemi ("No-Amy"; it's Hungarian). We were heading out of town, so on Wednesday we dropped them off with their supplies at a friends house. Just as the second group of us were heading out, the friend called us saying that Noemi was looking sick, and that we should come pick her up.
I thought that it might just be the motherly instincts of the friend seeing things that weren't there, but when I went in to pick up the little kitten, she was laying stretched out on her towel while her sister climbed around her. The friend told us Noemi had diarrhea, and needed to stay hydrated.
For the two-hour drive I cradled the prone little body in my hands, feeding her water through a baby dropper one drop at a time. I watched for each sign of improvement: She blinked! She kicked her leg! She rolled over!
While I chose to take these as good signs, I also knew that they may also be signs of her final struggle.
Finally, we made it to Andover where we'd be spending the weekend. I handed off the little kitty to her owner, my nine-year-old sister. At first they took the cats (we'd brought both) to the barn, but then in order to give Noemi more water more often, our friends let us bring them into an outer room in their house.
Despite almost constant care, little Noemi died that night while I was holding her.
As she started leaving, I burst out crying. I'd worked for hours to keep this little kitten alive. Why couldn't she stay?
Comforting me, my mom said, "At least we were able to give her love and a home before she died."

Another woman told of her experience. She was finally fulfilling her dream to go see Mother Theresa. When she landed in India, she went off in search of the famous nun. The woman was directed to a hospital. When she entered it, she found herself in a long hall. Along one wall were 10 or so rocking chairs, and on the other side were dozens of babies lying on the ground.
The door at the other end opened and Mother Theresa walked in followed by some nurses. As she slowly advanced towards the woman, Mother Theresa would point at a baby and then point at a nurse, saying "That one. You. ... That one. You. ..." Obediently, the nurse would pick up the child and rock it in a rocking chair.
At last, Mother Theresa was standing in front of the woman. But as the woman opened her mouth to say something, Mother Theresa pointed at a baby. "That one. You."
Without another word, she left the hospital, leaving the woman who'd come so far to meet her.
Stunned, the woman stood there for a moment. Then she angrily began to leave. "Wait!" a nurse called. "You have to help."
"I'm not a nurse, I don't know what to do." The woman protested.
Quietly, the nurse explained. "There isn't enough care and medicine to save all of these babies. Mother Theresa knows which of these babies are going to die today. Our job is to rock them, and make sure they feel human love before they leave this world."
The woman looked back at the little baby that Mother Theresa had assigned her to love. Then she went over, picked it up, and then rocked it until it slept.
By that time, she needed to rush to catch her plane home, and she never saw Mother Theresa again. But she said that it wasn't a wasted trip. She learned what she needed to learn.

Mosiah 16: 7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection.
8 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.
9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.


Peace be unto You Because of your Faith

This week, I posted the scripture Helaman 5:47 on my wall.
"Peace, peace be unto you because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world."
Today in family scripture study, we read about Alma (senior) and his people living peacefully before the Lamanites came and captured them. Someone pointed out that Alma and his people were righteous and listened to the Lord whenever He commanded them to do something. On the other hand, King Limhi's people (the ones who stayed behind when Alma and his followers fled) were sketchy at best.
But both groups were brought into bondage. The good guys and the not-so-good guys.
Why would following God's directions lead Alma's people into bondage?

When I think about the differences between these two groups, a few things stand out.
First of all, because each of these groups was brought into bondage they were motivated and given the opportunity to get back to Zarahemla to join the rest of the Nephites.
Secondly, while the people of Limhi were in captivity many of them died because of the many wars they fought. But the people of Alma were close to the Lord and knew the correct actions to take. When the people of Limhi were finally humbled and converted, they didn't have anyone with the authority to baptize them or receive revelation for them. But the people of Alma were almost all already baptized and close to God.

As we have a foundation of faith, I know we are able to find peace in our trials.

Thanks Giving

I think it's time for a thanks-giving! A time to give thanks.

I am thankful for a bedroom with a bed and a dresser. I'm thankful for my family and for the sacrifices they make for me (especially my grandma, grandpa, and uncles this past week).
I am thankful for pioneers in history and now days who blaze trails for me to follow.
I am thankful for modern day technology, and the gift it is to the gospel and to friends and family. I am thankful for people who reach out to me.
I am thankful for our cat Noemi (no-Amy) who is happy at our grandparent's house, but who still loves me. And I am thankful for our new kittens Noemi jr. and Tsunami. I am grateful for ribbons (and so is Tsunami :)).
I am grateful for yarn, crochet hooks, and the art of crochet.
I am grateful for examples in my life: Joan of Arc, Carmody, Uncle Tom, Captain Moroni, Megan, Sis. Edwards, Joseph Smith, Mom.
I am thankful for the scriptures and the truths they hold. I am thankful for the many places I can find the scriptures and words of the prophets.

What are you Thankful for?
(comment below)


The Recovering Perfectionist

One of my dear, dear friends recently started a blog called "The Recovering Perfectionist." In it, she shares her story. She gave me permission to share it here:

A couple of years ago I began to worry about my appearance. I looked in the mirror and pointed out- and even made up- countless flaws. I compared myself to others and I became distressed. I’ve always had a perfectionistic nature, and I believed the countless lies around me that I was never enough. Little by little I become more obsessed with how I looked, and I saw food as something bad- and I thought that the less you had the better. The media was saying that carbs were bad, and fat foods were bad, and sugar was bad. And in my attempt to do everything perfectly, I started to count calories and restrict my intake. I didn’t realize that little by little I was leading myself deeper into a pit of destructive mental habits. Pretty soon food became my fear and my enemy. I became an unhealthy weight and my family was concerned. I was miserable. I felt trapped. False body perception wasn't the only thing that contributed to my eating disorder. I indulged in this false sense of control. But never were things more out of control. I couldn't go to activities with friends for fear that they would try to get me to eat  certain things that weren't on my list of acceptable foods. If I didn't exercise one day I felt like a complete failure. My family began to notice that I would make excuses to skip family meals. Meanwhile these unhealthy habits took control over more and more portions of my life. My mom tried to tell me that she thought I had a problem, but I was in denial. "A mental disorder? No, not me- I was fine." I told myself. But deep inside I knew I wasn't fine. I was cold, dizzy, moody, sick and stressed out all the time. My hair was falling out in frighteningly big amounts.I was terrified. How had I immobilized myself in such a way? Finally, I admitted with devastation that I really did have a problem. That was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it was the beginning of a new freedom in my life. My mom and I constructed a healthy meal plan and I stopped exercising to give myself a chance to recover.  The road has been difficult, but so rewarding. I share my feelings with my mom, who is always gives me further light and knowledge. I also decided to visit with a counselor weekly, even though I was gaining weight and doing better, because I still was having some irrational fears and concerns. This really helps me to see what skills I can work on and how I can achieve better self confidence. I share my story as a message of hope. We can and will win this war. Whether it be a battle of depression, mental illness, addiction- or any other thought habit holding us back. These wars of the mind can be overcome.
Now you may think that to all of her friends this was obvious. She describes how she became unhealthily thin and was avoiding friend gatherings; but the truth is... I had no idea. The way I saw my dear friend was as a sweet, gorgeous, talented young woman and a wonderful friend. I had no clue that she was struggling with an eating disorder.
Please be aware of this epidemic. My friend has some great resources on her blog and there are other places out there where you can also get help, or where your friends can get help. 

“Your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. … God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there” ~Thomas S Monson


Temple Trip!

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A while ago, some friends and I took a trip around Utah, visiting all of the temples. My mom (who was our driver) posted about it here. I'll let her fill in the details, but would like to share some spiritual things that were shared or felt.

Multiple times people expressed that they felt the presence of those we were doing the work for or that of their family.

Image result for lds bountiful temple imagesAt the Bountiful Temple we had to wait for around 3 hours for all the other mutual groups. Even after us there were many more people waiting to do ordinances. Even though they were rushing through people, the young man doing the confirmation prayers for us emphasized each prayer differently as if he was doing it for the actual person, rather than doing it proxy. At the time I wondered why he didn't hurry up, but as I was changing I realized that he was able to make the temple ordinances special and feel the peace even when everything else was crazy around him. Other girls with us also commented on it. It was amazing.

Finally, we noticed that there was a profound peace to be felt just on the temple grounds. At the St. George temple we weren't able to go in because they were renovating their baptismal font, so we just relaxed around the grounds. Even though we were occasionally goofy and crazy we mostly just chatted and wandered, visualizing our weddings and talking about the different temples.

I received a stronger testimony of the power that temples have and of the work that happens in them.
Now, in New York, we are an hour and a half away from the closest temple. While this isn't a terrible distance, it's much different from being 15-30 min.s away from two :). I've made it a goal to visit the temple once a week, and to accept the LDS Church's Temple Challenge, which is approximately 1300 names, and I've already done 642!! Almost half way there and a few more months to go :S (I started late, that's my excuse).
The work that happens in temples is the work of God. You can grow so much closer to Him in the temples or even just on the temple grounds. I challenge anyone who reads this to visit an LDS temple sometime this month if it's possible. Even if you can't go inside, just take a moment on the grounds to "be still and know that I am God." He will bring you peace.


General Conference Thoughts: Becoming a more Disciplined Disciple

General Conference Thoughts: Becoming a more Disciplined Disciple
Okay, so I have a confession. A few months ago (alright, so around a year ago), I realized I had a problem with self-discipline. I had a hard time controlling desires such as my desire for chocolate, my desire for sleeping in (which I couldn’t do anyway :( ), and my desire to NOT run. At first I ignored it, because that’s what I do when I initially see my weaknesses-- I hide from them. Then I decided it needed to be faced and fixed.
But how do you fix a problem with self-discipline? You need the very virtue you’re struggling with in order to strengthen it!
So I tried a few different things. I tried rewarding myself.
Epic fail!
Whenever I didn’t do what I was trying to do (which was frequently) I had created a whole new battle for myself. “Oh, but I tried.” “But it looks so good.” “I’ll get it now to motivate myself for next time.” etc. etc. etc.
I tried making lists, schedules, and plans. There were some pretty good ones, too. However, there wasn’t the accountability that I was needing.

So this year, for the October session of the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I had two questions prepared. 1) How can I develop more discipline? 2) How can I become a better disciple?

One of the talks that stood out the most to me was by Devin Durrant, "My Heart Pondereth them Continually." In it, he invites us to take a verse of scripture each week, print it out, and put it somewhere where we will see it.
Well, one of the aspects of my struggle with discipline has been doing things daily. So, I decided to put my mini-scriptures in my work bag so I could read them and look at my verse during my breaks.
The verse I opened up to was in Mormon 9: 28 Be wise in the days of your probation; strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.
(this is where my jaw drops open)
In one scripture, I had my answers. As I "ponderized" the verse, a plan of action came. This plan was unlike my other ones for two reasons. God was in this one, and He wanted me to include my mom and brother. 

I know that through the spirit I was guided to my answer. God could have given me the plan a year ago when I started trying to overcome my challenge. But I needed to be listening and acting on words of the prophets, reading my scriptures, and showing that I was ready to listen and obey.


Simple Missionary Moments

In case I didn't let y'all know, my family has moved across the country! Exciting, right? So I couldn't work for my dad anymore, because he had to get a new job :). Thus, I got a job here at a Health Care Manufacturing Facility.
It's pretty boring, but it brings in the bucks. (random tidbit, did you know that a dollar became known as a "buck" because a male deer's hide would be bought for $1 back in the day?)

So now that we're not in Utah, and I'm working with a bunch of people that aren't LDS, I get a lot more missionary opportunities than I used to. Here are a few of them:

I was working at a machine with another person (say his name was Aaron), and he needed to remember something later. So Aaron turned to me and said, "Hey, if I forget this later, will you call me a *******." I said, "I won't say that word, but I can remind you."
"Oh," he replied, "Then you can just call me a *****." (word that was basically the swear word)
I smiled at him and said, "But then I'd think of the word that I wasn't saying."
He looked a little confused, and asked me, "Then you've never come close to swearing?"
I thought about it for a moment, and then realized I could say, "Nope, never."
"Hm." Then we both went back to work.
It was nice to not only share my language standards, but to be able to realize that I'd never broken them. There are a lot of four-letter words floating around at my work and I sometimes think them, but as I try to block out the thoughts the words never seem to come to my mouth.
My brothers are nice, and have stopped "fake cussing" around me as well.

At my work, when people finish with jobs at their station, they'll come over to my station and help out. One of these people was making small talk with me, and relationships were brought up.
"Do you have any kids?" he asked me.
"No, I'm not married."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Nope, I haven't found the right guy yet."
"Oh, so you have standards?"
That threw me. I thought that everyone had things that they wanted in their partner.
So I responded, "Yeah." Then I thought, what the heck! I'll share a brief testimony! "That's what my parents did, and they're happy together, so I guess it works."
"Oh." Then we both went back to work.
It's been really eyeopening to see how people outside of Utah view relationships and marriage. A lot of people say things like. "You're married? That's too bad. Then you'll need a divorce when you want out." I'm so happy I wasn't raised with those ideals. I hope that through sharing my testimony with that one person they'll realize that there's something more they can get. (
(side note: Pres. Packer's talk and the movie "The War Room" go very well together and talk a lot about the heavenly part of marriage.)

Finally, a couple weeks ago our ward (or local congregation) had a fast for less active members to feel the spirit again, for strong families to move in, and for missionary experiences. The next Monday, at work, the second thing anyone said to me was "So what exactly is a Mormon?"
I basically said that Mormon's are Christians, but here are some things that make us different... . Then I outlined the Apostasy, Restoration, and Book of Mormon. It was short and I don't think they understood what I was saying (I need to work on that :S) but it was cool!

So if you want to share your belief of Christ or your standards, just think, "Tova can do it, so I can definitely do it!" :D. It's been such an amazing feeling to be able to be an instrument in God's hands. I get the feeling described in the blog description-- "This is the joy of truly penitent seeker of happiness."


When am I a Swan?

I’m tired of being ugly

The ugly duckling personified.
Born in a perfect world and lacking perfection.
The ugly duckling later became a swan. What about me?

When will I become a swan?
When can I look at myself in the mirror and say, “You are Magnificent”?
Why can’t I say it now?

When have I done enough?
When was it for the ugly duckling?
He just flew around being himself. But he was always scared of opening up to others. He always stuck out. He was ridiculed and mocked.
Scorned, judged. Tried, condemned.

But he was a SWAN!

When  I am   am I a swan? Wait… what did I say?

When… I am… a swan.

Who I am can change my present. It can change my future. It can change the world?
How? That doesn’t make sense.

I’m the loner in the corner. The shy one.
The quiet, responsible, optimistic, perfect child. I’m not allowed to feel insecure or to show insecurity.
Everyone else has something to offer. Why me?

Then again, why not me?
I love myself! I admire myself! I can say that. I don’t altogether believe it.
I can’t look myself in they eyes without seeing all of my weaknesses and shortcomings.
I know they will never completely be gone. When can I love myself?

When am I a swan?

~Kate Wynstelle


Building Homes

Wow, doesn't time fly :). Since I last posted I've moved across the United States to upstate New York into a house that isn't a "fixer-upper." It's a "tear her down, then fix 'er up."
In honor of my new house, I'd like to share this parable by C. S. Lewis from his book Mere Christianity.
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace."
My little sister shared another amazing analogy illustrating our divine nature. When you  cut an apple through the middle, you'll find a star formed by seeds. Inside each of us is an amazing destiny, formed by the seeds of our potential.

I know that God has shown me my greatness. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. And He strengthens YOU. YOU are amazing, you have a powerful potential for good.

Unlock that potential, and you will change the world. God can help you. Let Him in. Let Him build you.


42 Evidences of the True Church of Christ

I just finished this amazing book called "The Greatest Quest" (by Blaine and Brenton Yorgason). It's about a group of college students during WWII (one of whom was an atheist), who look through the Bible to see what elements were involved in Christ's original church. They came up with 15 points at first, but over the years, they found 42 "evidences" that would identify a church that had the same blueprint as Christ's.
Their reasoning for wanting a church that mirrored Christ's from Jerusalem was the principle that Christ is perfect, therefore his church would be perfect. (see also evidence #32)
I really enjoyed following them as they visited different churches and honestly tried to figure out if their teachings went along with the list they'd compiled.
Although this book is a novel, it's based on a true story.

I'm personally going to go through my Bible and highlight the verses they picked out, and identify how my church applies those 'evidences.'

There are many other deep questions, answers, and spiritual discussion, but here are the 42 points they found and the scriptures that supported them:
(Note, I don't mean to violate any copyrighted material, and I don't claim any of this as mine)

1. The Godhead consists of three separate and distinct beings-- God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost
*Genesis 1:26-27; 3:22
*Matthew 3:17; 28:19
*Luke 3:22
*Acts 7:55
*1 John 5:7

2. God the Father, as well as his Son Jesus Christ, who is a resurrected personage, both have bodies of flesh and bone and spirit
*Genesis 32:30
*Exodus 33:23
*Luke 24:39, 41-43
*John 20:17; 21:13-14
*Acts 7:55-56
*1 John 3:2

3. Jesus is the Christ, the literal Son of God, the Messiah, and the only perfect person upon the earth-- and not only a great teacher.
*Luke 9:35
*John 17:4-5
*Hebrews 1:6-7
(there are many other scriptures supporting this point, but they only had a few listed(

4. Jesus Christ, as revealed in the New Testament, is Jehovah, God of the Old Testament
*Exodus 3:14
*John 8:58
*Isaiah 43:11
*Hosea 13:4

5. The Holy Ghost is a distinct personage of spirit and is the third member of the Godhead.
*Matthew 3:15-16
*John 14:26; 16:13-14; 20:21-22
*Ephesians 1:17

6. The Holy Bible is the word of the Lord insofar as it is translated correctly. It is the record of the Jews and will be joined with another record in the last days (these days) to relate God's word to his people. This second record will come from a descendant of Joseph.
*Ezekiel 37:15-17
*Isaiah 29:18
*Revelation 20:12-14

7. Jesus Christ is recognized as the head of his Church,
with other officers named, beginning with a foundation of apostles and prophets, and including teachers, saints, elders, evangelists, bishops, deacons, priests, and high priests.
*John 15:16
*Mark 3:14-15
*Ephesians 2:19-20; 4:11-14

8. Officers in Christ's church will be "called of God." They will receive their authority through "the laying on of hands." On cannot call himself to the ministry
a. College degree or license insufficient
b. Royal priesthood will be known as such
c. Bishops and leaders are to marry and to have children
*Acts 19:25
*Hebrews 5:4, 10
*1 Timothy 3:2; 4:2-3

9. Members of Christ's church will be "workers," and will be called "saints." In addition, women will be included in activities and leadership.
*Proverbs 12:4
*Romans 1:7
*Ephesians 4:12
*1 Corinthians 11:7
*2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

10. There will exist within the church separate entities for each of the groups of members. Adult and youth organizations will exist. This point stands to reason, if Christ is concerned with helping each individual from that person's own level of understanding.
*Ephesians 4:11-14

11. Christ's church will believe in the "virgin birth" of Jesus Christ but will not believe in the "immaculate conception" of Mary.
*Isaiah 7:14
*Matthew 1:19-20, 23
*Luke 1:26-31, 42

12. Christ's church will believe in immortality and eternal life, and in a heaven and a hell. After the resurrection, we will be assigned to different places according to the judgement. The first resurrection will be fore the righteous and will commence 1,000 years before the second resurrection.
*John 3:16-17; 5:28-29; 14:2
*1Corinthians 15:20-22, 40-42
*1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

13. The Savior's church will honor Sunday as the Sabbath, with the understanding that the resurrection transpired Sunday morning, the first day of the week-- and thus replaced Saturday as the Sabbath.
*Hosea 2:11
*Matthew 28:1
*John 5:18
*Acts 20:7
*1 Corinthians 16:2

14. Officers as well as members of Christ's church will receive continuous revelation from God.
*Amos 3:7
*Matthew 16:13, 16-19
*Ephesians 1:17

15. Members of the Lord's church will be payers of tithes and offerings
*Malachi 3:8,11
*Luke 11:42
*Hebrews 7:4-5

16. Members of the church will regularly partake of the Lord's supper. The sacrament represents the flesh and blood of Christ and is partaken of in remembrance of him.
*Matthew 26:26-28
*Acts 20:7
*1 Corinthians 16:1-2

17. Members of the Lord's church will experience miracles, such as visions, tongues, and prophecies. In addition, the church will practice divine healing. When members of the church are sick, elders of the church will anoint them with oil and heal them.
*Matthew 9:18
*Mark 6:5; 16:17-18
*Acts 5:12, 16
*James 5:14-15

18. Church leaders will teach that the resurrected Jesus Christ will come again to the earth in the last days. This "second coming" will be greatly anticipated.
*Job 19:25-26
*Matthew 24:30
*Acts 1:11; 3:19-21

19. Members of the Lord's church will be persecuted for their beliefs.
*Matthew 5:10-12; 24:9
*Luke 6:22-23

20. The church as a whole, as well as its members, will be recognized for their "fruits"-- as will the prophets who lead them. The church will esteem honesty, virtue, and wholesome activity.
*Proverbs 15:4
*Luke 6:43-44
*2 Corinthians 9:10
*Philippians 4:17
*Hebrews 13:18

21. The church must provide salvation for all of God's children, not just those who receive the gospel while living on the earth. It will practice baptism for the dead.
*Mark 16:16
*John 3:1-8
*1 Corinthians 15:29

22. The church will build temples similar to the one Solomon built, which was destroyed and built again at the time of Christ. These temples will have unique purposes, including baptism and other ordinances. Temples will also be holy places, contain the Holy of Holies, and be used by members as places of worship.
*Isaiah 2:3
*Malachi 3:1, 7

23. Christ's original church was organized by him and named after him, and his church today will also be named after him.
*Acts 4:10-12
*Ephesians 1:22; 4:11-14; 5:23-24

24. Specific authority to function in the administration of the church is called "priesthood." It is obtained through ordination by one having the power to so ordain.
*1 Samuel 13:9-14
*Mark 6:7
*John 7:16; 20:21
*Acts 19:2-5
*Hebrews 5:4-6, 8-10

25. A higher priesthood authority is required to bestow the Holy Ghost than to baptize
*Matthew 16:19
*Mark 1:7-8
*Acts 8:15-18; 19:2-6

26. The church that Christ originally organized did not baptize infants since the prerequisite for baptism was (1) a capacity for repentance of past personal sins, and (2) a personal belief in the divinity and teachings of Christ.
*Mark 10:14-15; 16:16
*Acts 2:38; 8:12

27. The church is to send out missionaries (in twos), to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
*Mark 6:7
*Luke 10:1

28. The church will have a welfare system to provide for the poor and the needy within the church. Members are to provide for themselves and their families first, and then receive help from the church.
*Deuteronomy 15:11
*Psalm 9:18
*Isaiah 14:30
*Mark 10:21
*Luke 18:22
*Romans 15:26

29. The church will have a law of health. Alchoholic beverages will not be used by members of the church.
*Ephesians 5:18
*1 Corinthians 5:11; 6:9-10

30. The church will be one that is restored to the earth. Christ's original church experienced a great apostasy or falling away, but his church will be returned or restored again in the last days.
*Jeremiah 31:31-34
*Acts 3:19-21
*2 Thessalonians 2:1-13
*Revelation 14:6-7

31. Christ's church will believe in being saved by the grace of Christ through exercising faith in him. In other words, it will teach that when we repent of our sins and forsake them, the atonement of Christ will cleanse our sins.
*Matthew 7:21-29
*Mark 16:15-16
*Luke 6:46-49
*1 Timothy 4:10
*James 1:22-25; 2:14-26

32. The church will preach only the true gospel of Christ, with no variations. It will neither add to the meaning of Christ's teachings nor takeaway from them--even though current revelation will provide insight into them.
*Matthew 5:19
*Galatians 1:6-9
*Ephesians 4:5
*Hebrews 13:8-9

33. Christ's church will espouse a pre-earth life, or a pre-existence, such as that taught by the Orthodox Jews. Included in this teaching will be the doctrine of fore ordination and not predestination. God the Father will be recognized as having created the individual spirits of all people.
*Genesis 1:26-31
*Job 38:4-7
*Ecclesiastes 1:4-5
*John 17:5
*Ephesians 1:4-5
*Hebrews 12:9

34. The church will believe in the "original sin" of Adam. Nevertheless, it will teach that Christ atoned for Adam's sin, and that we will be punished for our won sins, as Adam's sin has already been atoned for.
*John 1:29
*Acts 24:14-15
*Romans 5:6-19
*1 Corinthians 15:21-23

35. Christ's church will teach that the gathering of Israel, in the last days, will be literal.
*Isaiah 5:26-30; 11:12-13; 35
*Jeremiah 3:14-18; 31:10

36. Members of the true church will respect the beliefs of others and will allow all people to worship as they choose.
*Galatians 5:22-26; 6:1-2
*2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

37. The church will be subject to the laws of the land, regardless of the type of government in power in that land--thus rendering to Caesar that which is his, and to God that which is his.
*Matthew 22:21
*Mark 12:17
*Luke 20:25

38. Is should be recognized that, while perfection is to be sought by each member of Christ's church, the members will have human failings and will make mistakes, and they will thus need to grow and learn--line upon line, precept upon precept.
*Isaiah 28:10
*Ephesians 4:11-14, 28, 32

39. After repentance, baptism by immersion is essential, as is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. A person performing these ordinances of baptism and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost must be duly authorized to perform such ordinances.
*Matthew 3:13-15
*John 3:5
*Acts 2:38, 41; 22:16

40. The Savior's church will have an unpaid ministry. This lay ministry will be called "by revelation," even as the apostles called new members to their quorum following the resurrection of Christ.
*Amos 3:7
*Micah 3:11
*John 10:13
*Acts 1:22-26
*1 Corinthians 9:18
*1 Peter 5:2

41. Satan is a real spirit being and not a figment of people's imagination.
*Job 1:6
*Matthew 4:10
*Mark 1:13; 8:33
*Luke 13:16; 22:3, 31
*John 13:27
*Acts 26:18

42. The Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truthfulness of the Savior's plan, when it is presented. This is the one sure way of knowing which, if any, of the churches belongs to the Savior.
*John 16:13-14
*1 Corinthians 12:4-12
*Galatians 5:22-26