
Screwtape Letter and the Devil

Again, for my class, we read the Screwtape Letters (an AMAZING book; it makes you look at temptation, and all the little things that come with it). After discussing it, we were challenged to write our own letters. We could do it from any perspective, and send it to any of the characters. I chose to write as the human that Screwtape and Wormwood were trying to tempt:

Dear Screwtape and Wormwood, 
Looking down from heaven, and reviewing my life, I'd like to thank you for the role you played in my temptation. It is accurate to say that "there is opposition in all things." 
Because of the constant need to fight you, I grew stronger, and became closer to, as you call Him, the Enemy. And as a result of my closeness to Him, I was able to become even stronger in resisting you, (truly, as they say, He has "one eternal round"). 
I do lament your deplorable profession, but realize it's value. 
Please realize, that you have no power. The Enemy could destroy you, your colleagues, your leader, and your kingdom; the reason he does not is the same reason I thank you: opposition.  
Just as businesses need opposition to thrive, so people need it to realize their genuine opinions and beliefs. But some businesses crumple under the opposition. Thankfully, we humans have been promised that we will never "be tempted above that which (we) are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that (we) may be able to bear it." 
So, dear Screwtape, you will lose. The victory will come to the righteous and their King.  
Sincerely yours, 

The Church defines the Devil as "the enemy of righteousness and of those who seek to do the will of God. ... Since the time the devil was cast out of heaven, he has sought constantly to deceive all men and women and lead them away from the work of God in order to make all mankind as miserable as he is."


Elder Holland (one of my favorite speakers in General Conference!) said "We speak boldly because Satan is a real being set on destroying you, and you face his influence at a younger and younger age."
There are two videos that he speaks in that refer to Satan's subtle power, and how we need to constantly be alert to him:
Watch Your Step  
Stay Within the Lines 

I know that Satan is a real being, and that he is miserable. He fights the light of Christ in each of us, and tries to persuade us to follow him to everlasting sorrow. 
But we don't have to listen. "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be btempted above that ye are able; but will with the ctemptation also make a way to descape, that ye may be able to ebear it" (1 Corinthinas 10:13)


For thanksgiving, feel free to post what you're thankful for!

I'm reading "Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl" right now. Anne Frank was hiding with her family from the Germans for more than two years. This is part of one of her entries: "And in the evening, when I lie in bed and end my prayers with the words, 'I thank you, God, for all that is good and dear and beautiful,' I am filled with joy. ...My advice is:... Think of all the beauty that is left in the world, and be happy!"
How inspiring! to hear that from a girl that can't go outside, wears worn out clothes, and eats nasty food. 

Here are some things I'm thankful for:
The gospel
Jesus Christ
The Atonement
The Book of Mormon
The Spirit
Books :)- Heidi, Joan of Arc, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Les Mis, Anne Frank (yep, I'm a big reader :))
Movies- Amazing Grace, the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, the Ultimate Gift
Heavenly Father
Technology- emails, skype

Challenge: Go for half on hour naming things you're grateful for. Also, whenever you're upset, or sad, make a "Gratitude List." I have a notebook that's full of them, and it's pretty cool.

Here is a Mormon Message about people listing things they're grateful for: