Introducing..... Tova

I'm Tova, 

I'm the oldest in a large family. I was home-schooled and am a dedicated member of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. I LOVE the Book of Mormon, it is the greatest book there is!
I love writing and music; I play the violin, guitar, and piano. 

I'm a big reader. Besides the Book of Mormon, Les Miserables is my favorite book (yes, the whole thing :)), along with Joan of Arc by Mark Twain and Uncle Tom's Cabin. Seriously, those are life-changing and perspective changing books! They're PHENOMENAL!!

Favorite games involve face cards or patterns (ie, Hearts, Mormon Bridge, Q-bits, Set)

Titles people have given me usually involve 'Ice,' 'Snow,' etc. I love Winter!!

I'm grateful for this gospel, and the chance it gives me to have hope and happiness-- even if trials come my way.


  1. I am grateful for the gospel, music and the real you too :)!!! You are wonderful!

  2. Trials? Trials? In OUR home :)? Never...
