
Trust in Him

This is a story that my friend sent me a few months ago. Since them, I have read it multiple times, but it still gives me thrills whenever I read it!

A few years ago, a Japanese teenager lost his left arm in a car crash that killed his mother.  He was involved in a prestigious Martial Arts group at the time. Shortly after the crash, the Sensei of this "Prestigious"  group dismissed him because of this injury. He was crushed, he had loved his martial arts, now it seemed his career was over. His loving father, seeing that he was depressed, found an old retired Sensei that would be willing to teach him.
     This Sensei taught the young man one move, and had him practice it over, and over, and over. The young man questioned his father "Why is it, that this old man has only taught me this one move? And why does he insist on me learning it so well? I will never be great! I will never show my potential if I never learn other moves!" His father told him, that even though he was learning only this one move, he had a wise master, who knew what he was doing. So, this young man continued to take his martial arts from this old Sensei. A few months later, he asked the Sensei "why is it, that you have only taught me this one move? And why do you insist on me learning it so well? I will never be great! I will never show my potential if I never learn other moves!"
      His Sensei smiled. "Some things are not for us to know right now, or soon, sometimes we must trust in the wisdom of those that have gone before us. This move is all you will ever need."
     So, he continued on with his training, always practicing his one move, and hoping that his master was right. Soon the national martial arts competition would come, and this young man found that his Sensei had recommended him to the competition, and he had been accepted, he was thrilled! Now was his chance to learn something else, surely his master would agree, if he was going to compete, he would have to know something else.  He asked, his master responded "Trust, I know what is best for you, This move is all you will ever need."
     He continued to practice his move, trusting in his Sensei's wisdom. It seemed impossible that he would ever gain the championship he had always desired, with only one arm, and only one move, he felt that he could not do it.
     The competition came, he was placed in the ring, the buzzer sounded, and the match was on, he waited, waiting for the moment he could use his move. It came. he used his move, and had his opponent pinned, he had won his first match of the championship, with one arm. He continued in the competition, winning every time, with his one move, his move. It came to the semi-finals, then to the finals. He asked his Sensei one last time if he would teach him one last move, his Sensei responded.
    "This is the only move you will ever need" With that he pushed the young man toward the ring. He stepped in, blood pulsing though his stressed out veins. This was it, honor or disgrace. The buzzer sounded. he could feel the bruises forming on his face and body. He waited, and waited. Then the opening came! he pulled his move, his opponent pinned. He, a one armed young man, had one the Championship with one move.  He asked his Sensei, "why is it that I could win with only one arm? And that this move let me beat the best of the best in all of Japan?"
     His Sensei chuckled, "The only way to stop that move, is to grab the left arm."

I love this story! It illustrates so beautifully how God knows how we can get ahead and find true happiness. Even if it looks like He's pulling us back, or slowing us down. 
There was a quote I read a while ago that goes something like this: "You need to draw an arrow back in order to shoot it forward, so if you feel like God is holding you back, be brave! He's preparing to shoot you forward"
CS Lewis gave another great analogy. Imagine yourself living in a house. God comes to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on. You knew that those jobs needed doing and so you were not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of—throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up the towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage; but he is building a palace.

Ether 12:27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them [emphasis added] 

I know that we can have strength and make it through hard times. Even if we don't find happiness until after death, we can at least feel peace in doing what's right, and then we will have eternity to live with God, and to feel His love for us. We will be able to look back and see the reason for everything that has happened to us. The method to our madness :).
So we just need to trust in Him, and do our best. He will take care of the rest.


Articles of Faith sum up

Here is a little history of the Articles of Faith:
An editor for a newspaper (John Wentworth, Chicago Democrat) asked Joseph Smith for more information about the church, and their beliefs. In response, Joseph Smith wrote up these articles. They were then printed in a church newspaper (Times and Seasons) for all of the saints to read.

As kids, we try to memorize these articles. This is a story about one girl who changed a family's life because she knew them (it's from an Ensign article by Thomas S Monson):
Some years ago I had worked with [Sharman Humell] in the printing business in Salt Lake City, and during that long-ago period, I once gave Sharman a ride home from work and asked him how he came to receive his testimony of the gospel. He responded, “It’s interesting, Tom, that you asked me that question, for this very week my wife, my children, and I are going to the Manti Temple, there to be sealed for all eternity.” He continued his account, “We lived in the East. I was journeying by bus to San Francisco to establish myself in a new printing company, and then I was going to send for my wife and children. All the way from New York City to Salt Lake City the bus trip was uneventful. But in Salt Lake City there entered the bus a girl—a Primary girl—who sat next to me. She was going to Reno, Nevada, there to have a visit with her dear aunt. As we journeyed westward, I noticed a road sign which read, ‘Visit the Mormon Sunday School this week.’ I said to the little girl, ‘I guess there are a lot of Mormons in Utah, aren’t there?’ She replied, ‘Yes, sir.’ Then I said to her, ‘Are you a Mormon?’ Again, ‘Yes, sir.’”
He countered: “What do Mormons believe?” And that little girl recited the first article of faith, and then she talked about it. Continuing, she gave him the second article of faith and talked about it. Then she gave him the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and the sixth, and all of the Articles of Faith and talked about all of them. She knew them consecutively.
Sharman Hummell said, “When we got to Reno, and we let that little girl off into the arms of her aunt, I was profoundly impressed.” He said, “All the way to San Francisco I thought, ‘What is it that prompts that little girl to know her doctrine so well?’ When I arrived in San Francisco, the very first thing I did was to look through the yellow pages for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; I called the mission president, J. Leonard Love, and he sent two missionaries to where I was staying. I became a member of the Church, my wife became a member, all of our children became members, in part because a Primary girl knew her Articles of Faith" ... Sharman said, “I have but one regret. I never asked for her name. I’ve never been able to properly thank her.”
(If you'd like, here is another story about the articles of faith, it's along the same lines as the last one, only this time it's a young man)

The articles of faith are very important to learn. If you understand them, then you understand the basic doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

What do those crazy Mormons believe in, anyway? part 13 (THE LAST ONE)

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-- we believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, we seek after these things. 

This is the longest article of faith, and it is one of my favorites.

There was an article in the New Era (an LDS Youth magazine :)) that has some words from prophets and other church leaders about some of the key words/phrases:

We Believe

“[This] article of our faith is one of the basic declarations of our theology. We ought to reflect on it again and again. Then, whenever we might be tempted to do anything shoddy or dishonest or immoral, there would come into our minds with some force this great, all-encompassing statement of the ethics of our behavior.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008), “Fear Not to Do Good,” Ensign, Jan. 2000, 2.


“Human sexuality is more than a physical matter. Chastity and fidelity begin in the spirit, not in the body. They are an expression of the condition of our spirit. When our spirit is in tune with godly thinking and gospel truths, we want to live high standards, and our actions reflect that desire. Thus, chastity and fidelity are more than sexual abstinence before marriage and sexual fidelity after marriage. They express the quality of our spiritual life.”
Terrance D. Olson, “Truths of Moral Purity,” Ensign, Oct. 1998, 43.

(this is me, here's a good video talking about chastity)


To be benevolent is to be kind and giving, in a word—to do good. During His ministry Jesus Christ “went about doing good, … for God was with him” (Acts 10:38). As you live your life with benevolence, God will strengthen and uplift you.

Seek after These Things

Read the “Entertainment and Media” section in For the Strength of Youth (page 17). Is the entertainment you choose consistent with these standards and with the thirteenth article of faith? Consider writing in your journal about how you have been blessed by making good media choices.


“Virtue ‘is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards’ (Preach My Gospel, 118). It encompasses chastity and moral purity. Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. … It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions. … Virtuous women and men possess a quiet dignity and inner strength. They are confident because they are worthy to receive and be guided by the Holy Ghost.” Elaine S. Dalton, Young Women general president, “A Return to Virtue,” Ensign, Nov. 2008, 78–80

I think that these are excellent thoughts about this article.
Here are a couple of other connections I had:

Admonition of Paul

When it refers to the 'admonition of Paul' it's talking about this scripture: Philippians 4:Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are atrue, whatsoever things are bhonest, whatsoever things are cjust, whatsoever things are dpure, whatsoever things are elovely, fwhatsoever things are of good report; if there be any gvirtue, and if there be any praise, hthink on these things. (KJV)



 And that is the last article of faith. The last statement that sums up the belief of us Latter-Day Saints.  
I hope this has helped with understanding the Articles of Faith, and what Mormons believe in and helped make them seem real, instead of just words on a screen.


We are Eagles!

Yep. You heard me :).

Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us acheerfully bdo all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the csalvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.
But they that await upon the Lord shall brenew their cstrength; they shall mount up with wings as deagles; they shall erun, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
(D&C 123:17/ Isaiah 40:31)

Why would we have wings like eagles? Here is a connection someone shared with me:

Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks?
The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm, it simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us – and all of us will experience them – we can rise above them by setting our minds and belief toward God. The storms of life do not have to overpower us. We can allow God’s power to lift us above them. God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that brings sickness, tragedy, failure, and disappointment in our lives. We CAN soar above the storm. Remember it’s not the burdens of life that weigh us down – it’s how we handle them.

There is a little video about this called "Mountains to Climb":

There is also a song called "Mountains to Climb", it is an awesome song! Here is a link to the Youth Music where is is found. (to find it more easily, narrow the search to 2013 Strength of Youth Album, it should be in the middle).

Here a couple of thoughts I found on a friend's blog:

Just keep on going!! You'll be happy in the end:)


What do those crazy Mormons believe in, anway? part 12

This one is very important (but then again, they all are :))
"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law"

Many of the YM in the church, (at least in the US) do the Boy Scouts program-- including Citizenship in the World/Nation/Community (I think those are the ones :S)

During the early days of the Church, Joseph Smith was imprisoned in Liberty Jail, Missouri. Why? Because he was the leader of the Mormons.
Wait! doesn't the Constitution give us the right to worship whatever religion we want to? Yes it does.
Here is a section of the article in the Ensign (a LDS adult magazine):
It began in 1839. The Prophet Joseph Smith, finally free after more than four months of imprisonment in Liberty, Missouri, had settled in Illinois, and the Saints had begun building what would become the city of Nauvoo. With the Missouri persecutions fresh in their minds, the Saints sought redress for the grievances they had suffered, but they were not successful. 1
Frustrated, Joseph determined to seek help from the federal government. ...
Joseph Smith left Nauvoo for Washington, D.C., with Sidney Rigdon, Elias Higbee, and Orrin Porter Rockwell in a two-horse carriage “to lay before the Congress of the United States, the grievances of the Saints while in Missouri.” 2 Joseph and Judge Higbee met with President Martin Van Buren on November 29, 1839. At first Van Buren was inconsiderate of the Prophet’s plea. However, as the discussion progressed, the president promised to reconsider his position and “felt to sympathize with [the Mormons], on account of [their] sufferings.” 3
After their visit with President Van Buren, the Prophet and Elias Higbee stayed two months in the East, trying to gain support from senators and representatives who might be willing to espouse their cause. 4 They met with President Van Buren again in February 1840. 5 By this time, Van Buren had lost any sympathetic feelings he might have had for the Church. According to the Prophet, the president treated them rudely and declared: “Gentlemen, your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you. … If I take up for you I shall lose the vote of Missouri.”

Now, this might have nothing to do with the 12th Article of Faith, but I think that it ties in, if you think about it. 

To finish, here is a way that it was re-stated in a "Friend" (a LDS Children's magazine): We believe it is right to follow the leaders and obey the laws of the country and city where we live. It is important to Heavenly Father that we are good citizens.


A Beautiful Scripture about Christ

I just read this scripture: "He is the light and the life of the world; yeah a light that is endles, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life that is endless, that there can be no more death." (Mosiah 16:9)
For some reason, I'd never noticed this scripture before (a good reason to read your scriptures multiple times :)).
I just wanted to share it really quickly, because it is awesome, and gives insight to what the Savior's roles are.


The Devil

As I was reading my scriptures this morning, I read the story of Korihor, the anti-Christ in the Book of Mormon.
Korihor goes around preaching that there isn't a God, and that the leaders of the church are ust lying to the people to have fun, and that they are taking the money of the people and using it to buy rich stuff, basically.
Well, some of the people take Korihor, and bring him to the chief judge, where Korihor criticizes him, too. The cheif judge sees that Korihor is determined to be right, and so he send him to Alma. Alma bears his testimony, and tells Korihor that he is wrong, and that there is a God.
Korihor demands a sign, and Alma says that if God will send a sign, "let it be that you are struck dumb." Sure enough, the next time Korihor opens his mouth, he can't talk.
He then realizes his error, and writes that he is sorry, that the devil appeared to him like an angel, and told him all the things that he had preached.
Then he goes off, and begs for food. He eventually gets trampled by some people.

The last verse in the chapter says this: "60 And thus we see the end of him who aperverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not bsupport his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to chell." (Alma 30:60)

I saw a skit about this once, when 'Dorothy' was walking down the 'yellow-brick road', and some bad people came up to her, and got her to go off of the road. Then they left her, and she was lost and alone. (then some REAL friends come and help her, but that isn't applicable to this).

The devil doesn't want us to be happy. He is jealous of our bodies, and want us to misuse them. He wants us to be miserable. So following him won't get us anywhere except for to misery.

I recently finished reading "The Screwtape Letters" and there are some really interesting insights in there. It's a book full of letters from one devil (Screwtape) to another. He talks a lot about how the devils are just trying to tell you lies, and there is a logical way to think your way out of it, but they try to keep your mind away from that logic. He also talks about how Heavenly Father loves us, and actually wants us to be happy. But the devils just want you to come down to where they are. They only want your misery.

So RESIST! You are mightier then the devil!

I'm going to end with this scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation ataken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be btempted above that ye are able; but will with the ctemptation also make a way to descape, that ye may be able to ebear it


Self Worth-- You have it, too :)

I don't know about eveyone else out there, but sometimes I have a hard time feeling like I'm important, and that I matter.
One quote that always helps boost my self-confidence, is this one, from Elder Holland (Oct, 2005 "To the Young Women"):  
"You can’t live your life worrying that the world is staring at you. When you let people’s opinions make you self-conscious you give away your power. … The key to feeling [confident] is to always listen to your inner self—[the real you.]” And in the kingdom of God, the real you is “more precious than rubies."
 (note: rubies are among the 4 most precious stones)

Here's another one, talking about how we are ALL important to God:
While we may look at the vast expanse of the universe and say, ‘What is man in comparison to the glory of creation?’ God Himself said we are the reason He created the universe! His work and glory—the purpose for this magnificent universe—is to save and exalt mankind (see Moses 1:38–39). … Our Heavenly Father created the universe that we might reach our potential as His sons and daughters.
“This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God. While against the backdrop of infinite creation we may appear to be nothing, we have a spark of eternal fire burning within our breast. We have the incomprehensible promise of exaltation—worlds without end—within our grasp. And it is God’s great desire to help us reach it.
There is another quote that says "Be yourself, everyone else is taken" :)

I think that people really want to know what you're like. They don't want you to pretend. Of course, some people just want you to be what they want you to be, but those people aren't worth being around, unless you can still be strong, and be yourself.


What do those crazy Mormons believe in, anyway? part 11 (almost there :))

(note: this is the only one that doesn't start with "We believe...")
We claim the privlige of worshipping all-mighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience. And allow all men the same privlige; let them worship how where, or what they may.

 This one is talking about religious freedom. We claim the right to worship God the way we want to. And we respect that others have the right, too. This one is fairly straightforward, and it is very important.


"The Fellowship of the Unashamed" an AWESOME poem

This poem was supposedly written by an African Paster before he was martyred.
I memorized it once, and it is AMAZING!

I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The dye has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made; I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, or be still.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, Colorless dreams, tinted visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence, positions, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded.
I now live by Faith, lean on His presence, walk with patience. I am uplifted by prayer, and labor with power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table with the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won’t give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ.
I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me.  And when He returns for His Own, He will have no problem recognizing me.  My Banner will be clear.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of GOD unto Salvation to every one that believeth…” Romans 1:16.


What do those crazy Mormons believe in, anyway? part 10

We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes; that Zion, the New Jerusalem, will be built upon the American Continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and the the earth will be removed and recieve it's paradisical glory.

This talks about some historical/scriptural things.
Let's start with the gathering of Israel.

First, before something is gathered, usually it's scattered. This happened to 10 of the 12 tribes in about 600 BC, when the Babylonians took over (note: the two that weren't scattered were Judah and Benjamin, the Jews. The tribe of Benjamin had merged with the tribe of Judah)
The gathering needs to happen spiritually, and physically. To be spiritually gathered, everyone will be gathered to God, in His true church. This church was lost for a time, when most of the apostles were killed; but it was restored again in 1830-ish, by Joseph Smith. Now, Israel continues to be gathered as missionaries of the LDS church go out and preach the gospel.
The physical gathering won't happen until the Second Coming of Christ (more on that later). We believe that those from the tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manessah) will gather on the American continent, and that the tribe of Judah will gather in Jerusalem/Israel. The other tribes will be adopted into the tribe of Ephraim. 
For more info on this (and probably more accurate info :)) here are three resources.
This is a link to an article which was published in the Ensign (a church magazine)
Here is a link to a handbook
And, lastly, here is a video from a previous General Conference:

2) Zion, the New Jerusalem, is the church. It is founded on the American continent (specifically, Utah :)).

3) The 2nd Coming of Christ. The 1st Coming happened in 1 AD, when Christ was born. He died, and then rose again on the 3rd day. He will come again. This promise was first heard by His apostles, in Acts 1:11 ...this same Jesus, which is btaken up from you into heaven, shall so ccome in like dmanner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
When will this come? Some people in the time of the Apostles thought that it would be soon. But Paul said that "that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first..." (2 Thessalonians 2:3) This falling away was the Apostasy, that happened shortly after this revelation.
There are other signs of His coming, but no one knows exactly when it's going to happen.
This is a site that tells of some of the signs of the 2nd Coming.
Here is a paper written by another girl, sharing her thoughts on the 2nd Coming.
This is another talk, giving advice about how to prepare for it:

4) The earth will be removed and recieve her paradisical glory. What in the world does this mean? Hold on, let me look it up...
I believe that this is talking about the Millenium. This will come after the 2nd Coming. It is a 1000 year period, when the devil will be chained, and the earth will be a paradise.
For more on the Millenium, and what comes after, see ???

And that is the 10th Article of Faith. It's probably one of the most techinal, and hardest to understand.


General Conference/Young Women's Broadcast

For those interested, each year, on the first Saturday and Sunday of April and Oct, the prophet, and other leaders in the church broadcast a General Conference, so that all the people in the church all over the world can hear what Heavenly Father wants them to hear.
This is translated into many different languages, and is an amazing thing.
In addition to the main sessions, there is always a priesthood session on Saturday evening, and either a Young Women's session, or a Women's session the week before.
I love General Conference, and think that there can be messages in it of anyone, even if you are not LDS (aka, Mormon).
This year's April conference is coming up, if you want to listen to it.
Here's a link to all of the conferences.
The General Young Women's Meeting was held, also, and has wonderful speakers, and musical numbers.