
Week 55: Hidden Treasure

After so much time, I finally found a suitable title for the email :D. 
Yesterday during Gospel Principles, I flipped to Articles of Faith and then turned to the page before... and I found something that I didn`t know existed. 
The Testimony of Oliver Cowdrey about the Restoration! It`s incredible and powerful. I read it three times today to absorb it all. I don`t know why no one`s told be about it before. It`s so beatiful and shows the light that the Restoration really was after the years of apostasy. 
So yeah, that was the hidden treasure :)

I feel like this week our area exploded. Suddenly we have so many people to visit!! We found three families that are less active and not all the family is member, so we`ll be teaching them the gospel. We also found a new family that was a grand blessing! After weeks of the same work we`re finally progressing!

One of the members we found is Cecilia. She has four kids, and they`re all sooooo sweet!
We`ve also continued visiting with Graciela. She gave us honey candies :D. But we need her to come to church!! :S. Gisela doesn`t really have much interest anymore, so we`ll probably stop visiting her after this week :(. It`s so sad, because she`s just a little confused and blinded by some creencias falsas. But we`ll see how it goes. 

I had two intercambios. One with Hna Lohman, from California and the other with Hna Rascon, from Mexico, my old companion!! :D It was great, and I learned so much from them. 
I also had the best correlation of my mission!! Normally in correlation the Ward Mission Leader gives us advice instead of helping us connect with the ward (and it`s fine, we get other stuff done). But in this correlation our leader made plans to visit recent converts with the bishop, helped us plan our activity, and we could enjoy a friendship with him at the same time. He let me know of another less active that we could visit, and was just amazing! 

Our new investigator family is the Family of Luis. He used to be ubanda (a really bad religion) and do drugs, but the Iglesia Evangelica helped him get out of those. Now he`s looking for something more, because he isn`t completely in agreement with some of the practices in his church. It was amazing, and a miracle that we found him! 

Now we have a lot more people to visit, and a lot more work to do. I love it! I feel like this week we saw the fruits of our efforts for the past month. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Tova S Biesinger

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