
Week 33: Priorities

March 20, 2017

aka-- You guys!
I`m writing to you all first because there`s a lot to do today and I don`t know if I`ll get to it later :D.

Big news!!
Once upon a time there was a sleeping missionary who dreamed that she was entering into the poorer part of their area with two other missionaries-- her companion and another one. As they entered a dog bit her heel. Annoyed, she called out to her two other companions to come back.
A few weeks later, they received the transfer call. As expected, she and her companion stayed in the area, and as dreamed, they received another hermana! 

This week was great! You know you`re doing a good job when at the end of the day you`re walking back to your apartment and you still feel like singing and dancing and doing a heel click, but have to contain yourself because you`re in public :D. It`s so much fun!

We found a less active member looking for her sister-in-law (also less active) and she said she wanted to come to church with us AND SHE CAME! Some of the members remembered her and with other it was a little awkward, because they asked if she was an investigator :S. But she enjoyed it and afterwards downloaded the gospel library app and we have an appointment to visit her!
Junior and Morena are going to be baptized this Saturday. Two members are going to do it-- a return missionary and a recent priest. We`ve been coming up with schemes to start teaching there mom and activating their sister, so it`s going to be fun (and now we have another brain to help :D)

I don`t really remember much else that happened this week... so I just opened my journal `cause I remembered that I`d brought it :D
This week we built a dog house with a less active that we`ve really been working with... but then a few days later she asked that we stop visiting until she calls us :(. But she said we could still stop by to say hi, so that`s fine. 

We`ve got the members working with us more. A member of the bishopric explained to Junior and Morena about the bishopric and a less active family offered to have lessons with us! I`m going to be helping the YWs with their song in the ward conference, so we`ll be inviting all of the less active YW to come, too. 

Woohoo! I love you all have a great week, get ready for General Conference, the Womens Session is this Saturday-- enjoy it!

Love you all!!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

 (Presents Hermana Biesinger bought herself with money sent from home...a Rubik's cube? Imagine that :D.  Now the cat could use a little explanation...)

She wanted to go tracting in her tiger blanket in the crisp autumn air :D

Celebrating St. Patty's Day, Hermana Biesinger's style!

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