
Week 11: The Danger of Bringing Cookies to Church on el Día del Niño

So last week I studied a bit about the Holy Ghost, and how a confirmation from the Holy Ghost is stronger than any other confirmation that we can receive. There´s something similar in the District, when an elder makes a mistake in a lesson, but he says later, as long as you have the Spirit, you can make mistakes and the Spirit will fix it.
Also, I opened up my bible again ( :) ) to Mark 4 and 5, and found a pattern in these chapters. In the three miracles I read about (calming the sea, healing he woman, and raising the daughter) the requirement, commandment, prerequisite, thingy was faith and courage. 
Then, I read in 2 Nephi 30:2 which talks about repentance, and guess what it talks about three verses later... MISSIONARY WORK!! It´s crazy how intertwined these concepts are, and I never saw it before. 

In District Meeting we sang O My Father to the tune of Come Thou Fount, and we also sang God be with you til we meet again for Hma. Walters, who left to go home this morning. 
Throughout the day we needed to run for three different buses. During the second run, my shoe flew off my foot and landed in front of me. Since the bus was literally pulling in front of me to arrive at the stop, I just picked up the shoe and kept running (I was so smooth that the only people who noticed were those directly around me.... I hope... :)). Thankfully, a woman was purposefully getting on the bus slowly so that we could get there in time, and I slipped my shoe back on as we stepped onboard. 

We were able to meet with Nora the recent convert a couple times this week-- once for a lesson and once to help her get set up for family history work. She had already gathered all of the information she knew, so we just got her started and showed her how. Now she´ll be able to print off the names and bring them to the temple!!

Then later that day we had to travel out of our area because Hma. Walters was going into the capital to talk with President for a few days with other missionaries before she finished, and I was with Hma. Chappell -my room mate in the CCM!!-- and a couple other sisters.

We were able to teach Valentina before we left, but still needed to meet with her a couple times, so Hma. Chappell and I traveled all the way back to our area, and managed to teach a lesson all by ourselves!! (remember, we have the same time in the mission:)) It was faith building for me that I didn´t have to depend on a companion in order to survive, and lots of fun to get to know the other Hmas. While we´re talking about Valentina, we also had .... her baptism this week!!
It was yesterday after the sacrament meeting. Her grandfather baptized her, and her mom, dad, and brother (with his girlfirend, too) attended not only her baptism, but the sacrament meeting, too. It was a very spiritual service despite a few confusions and frustrations beforehand.
Speaking of which, I made happiness cookies for Hma. Walters to experience the pure joy of them, and also for the baptism. But 30 minutes before the baptism, we walked into the kitchen, and the plate of cookies was gone. ¨Who would steal cookies in the chapel?!¨ we asked ourselves. 
Well, a well-meaning primary teacher had assumed that another teacher had brought the cookies to share with the primary because it was Children´s Day. (yes, they have an actual children´s day here....) Ah well! But the saddest part was that Hma. Walters wasn´t able to try any of them :(. 

Cool thing studied--In 2 Nephi 31 we hear the voice of not only Jesus Christ, but of Heavenly Father as well--twice. This chapter teaches us a lot about the doctrine of Christ, and is beautiful. 

On Saturday we had a chapel openhouse. The people who came were amazingly prepared, and when we asked if they had questions, one of them asked where he could receive a Book of Mormon. :O. Yeah! It was a lot of work, but we were able to contact a lot of people, and I was able to get to bond with the members of our ward more as well as the other missionaries.

This week has been crazy busy, and I´m excited to go back to regular missionary work this week with my new companion--Hma. Conceicao (the last c has a squiggle underneath, and the a has a squiggle on top :)). She´s from Brazil, and I can´t wait to work with her and improve my spanish and portuegese :)

Love you all, have a great week!

Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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