
Grace Series: Yet another Parallel between Grace and my Violin

My mom and I had the opportunity to perform a piano-violin duet of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" during Sacrament Meeting yesterday (click here for the meaning of Sacrament Meeting.)
I love playing my violin in my home and accompanying the ward choir, but I have a hard time with doing solos. It seems as if no matter how hard I practice, when performance time comes I mess up. So yesterday I was praying and praying that it would work out. I was begging Heavenly Father to help my fingers go in the right place, to keep the bow from squeaking (it never does it at home, but it always does it when I'm in front of fifty people :S).
But despite all my prayers, I squeaked. Despite my begging, some notes were flat. As I was putting my violin away, I asked "Why didn't I get your grace? Why wasn't it perfect?"
Then I looked out into the faces of the people I'd played for. Some of them were crying. The Spirit was in the room.
This is My Grace, the Spirit gave Heavenly Father's words to me. After all you can do, I will do the rest.

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