
Week 38 part 2: Super Fun!

Hola Gente!
This week was super amazing and crazy long and short at the same time. :S (I´m not sure how it works, but that´s how it is)

We had lunch Tuesday with a part member/less active family, and the sister (Flavia) told us that after attending church last sunday and praying she made an appointment with the minicipalidad to be married with her husband (Abel) so that he could be baptized!!! Then her husband told us that he wanted to attend church with his family even though he worked until 5 in the morning everyday.
It was amazing! The two obstacles that Abel faced for baptism (marriage and attendance) were taken care of and we hadn´t taught him anything or asked them anything! (he has listened to the missionaries before, a coulpe years ago).
There´s another family a couple blocks that is in a similar situation, inactive husband living with a non-member with four kids. (I think I talked about them last week). We talked with him Wednesday and he told us that he doesn´t have any doubts that the church is true but isn´t 100 percent sure that Joseph Smith was a prophet, so he´s going to pray about it. His daughters are attending all of the activities and he came with them again this sunday. The problem is finding his wife, because she literally works all day everyday besides saturday and sunday. We´re making them a priority and will be visiting them with other members this weekend.
Wednesday and Thursday I was with Hna Garner again. Thursday morning we got dumped by the part-member family that we´ve been working with since I got here, so that was tough, but that evening we found a girl (Candela-10) who is friends with a member, and she came with him to the activity Thursday night and to church yesterday. She´s reading the Book of Mormon every day before sleeping, and is super sweet! 
Saturday we had another chapel open house that was fun. We took two groups on tours, and the spirit was very strong with the first group. While we waiting, annother hermana and I started singing duets together with the hymns and it was super fun. 
Yesterday we had another bunch of people in church. Flavia brought three of her neighbors (also less actives) and all of their children, so it was great!
I¨m super happy here, and a little nervous for the transfers that are coming up this weekend.

I love you all, and knw that this church is true. Read the Book of Mormon, it has all the answers.
Love you! Besitos!
Sister Tova S Biesinger
Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission

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