
"The Object of this Life is to Learn"

There's an amazing article by Jeffrey R Holland called "A School in Zion." In it, he quotes Brigham Young who said, "The object of this life is to learn."
What do you think about that? Did Heavenly Father really send us down here just so we could learn?
If He did, what are we supposed to learn?
seek learning even by study and also by faith  ~D&C 109:7
What does that mean? To learn by faith.
Perhaps He's telling us to learn with the thought of Him on our minds. Perhaps He's saying that any study can be applied to a gospel principle.
It's a question that I haven't found a solid answer to. Maybe there isn't a solid answer.
Maybe it's just the idea of keeping our secular learning joined with our spiritual learning.

After reading the quote "the object of this life is to learn," I was reminded of something I learned in my college class. The best way to learn something is to teach it. You're 80% more likely to remember something you've taught over something you've read.
Think about this with the gospel. The best way to learn it is to teach it. That may be why there is such a great focus on missionary work.
I know that as I teach I have learned more effectively. I have also felt the spirit more strongly when I'm teaching or participating.
Heavenly Father will bless you as you teach or as you "study by faith." He sent you here to learn, to experience. He wants to be with you so that He can guide you through your trials.
"In school the lesson comes before the test. In life the test comes before the lesson."
Let Him help you through your test. It won't be easy, but He will make it easier.

1 comment:

  1. To me, learning by faith is opening ourselves to be taught by the spirit. And I love those lessons! I was driving the other day with several things on my mind, and suddenly the missing puzzle piece clicked in place and the light flooded in. Wonderful!
