
Caring more than you Fear

"My wife and I were reading in bed, when our five year old daughter came in. She was very upset. Putting down our books, we asked what was wrong. She told us that her two year old brother had fallen asleep on the couch downstairs, and now it was dark. Both she and her brother were afraid of the dark. I told her that he would be alright, and that she didn't have to worry. With that, she left and my wife and I went back to our reading."10 or 15 minutes later, my wife decided to go check on our little girl. On entering our daughter's room, my wife saw that she wasn't in bed. After a quick search upstairs, she went to check the dark downstairs."There, on the couch, was our son. Sleeping next to him, with an arm protecting him, was our little daughter. When my wife approached, she saw that our girl had been crying. Terrified of the dark, she had gone down anyway to help her little brother if he woke up."
My mom shared this beautiful story with us this morning. I know I've felt this way before. And I've had others show this kind of love towards me.

When Jesus said, "Thy will, not mine, be done," He was also showing this kind of love. He might have felt scared during His final days on earth. But He went through it because He loved you more than He was afraid.

I know that He cares deeply for us, and is always there for us.

1 comment:

  1. I heard a local potter/author speak again recently, and he mentioned the 12 years before he wrote the first book when he wrestled with fear. The idea you shared gives a way to maybe help someone break through something like that. 'This message is so important and I care enough about those that need to hear it, go away fear!'
